SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 62

Summary of

2016-17 for Electronics Sector

1 .
Extension of differential excise duty dispensation made available
capacitor grade plastic film has been exempted .
to mobile handsets / tablet computers to specified electronic
6 .
e-Readers : BCD at the rate of 7.5 % has been imposed on e-
equipment : The differential excise duty dispensation made
Readers . BCD on raw materials or parts for use in manufacture
available to mobile handsets / tablet computers has been
of e-Readers has been reduced to 5 %.
extended to the following electronic equipment . However ,
7 .
Magnetron for microwave ovens : BCD has been exempted on
these will be charged excise duty of 4 % ( without input tax
magnetron of up to 1.5KW used for the manufacture of
credit ) while Countervailing Duty ( CVD ) on imports shall be
domestic microwave ovens .
12.5 %. To enable this , parts , components , accessories and
8 .
Telecommunication equipment : BCD exemption has been
subparts used for the manufacture of parts , components ,
withdrawn on the following specified telecommunication
accessories have also been exempted from Basic Customs
equipment :
Duty ( BCD ), Excise Duty / CVD and Special Additional Duty of
( a ) Soft switches and Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP )
Customs ( SAD ):
equipment namely VoIP phones , media gateways , gateway
( I ) Routers
controllers and session border controllers ;
( ii ) Broadband modems
( b ) Optical Transport equipment ; combination of one / more of
( iii ) Set-top boxes for gaining access to internet
Packet Optical Transport Product / Switch ( POTP / POTS ),
( iv ) Set-top boxes for TV
Optical Transport Network ( OTN ) products , and IP Radios ;
( v ) Digital Video Recorder ( DVR ) / Network Video Recorder
( c ) Carrier Ethernet Switch , Packet Transport Node ( PTN )
( NVR )
products , Multiprotocol Label Switching-Transport Profile
( vi ) CCTV Camera / IP Camera
( MPLS-TP ) products ;
( vii ) Lithium-ion batteries ( other than those for mobile
( d ) Multiple Input / Multiple Output ( MIMO ) and Long Term
handsets including cellular phones )
Evolution ( LTE ) Products .
2 .
Mobile Handsets : To promote domestic value addition in
9 .
Preform of Silica : BCD exemption has been withdrawn on
mobile handsets , duty exemption has been withdrawn on
Preform of Silica for the manufacture of telecommunication
charger / adapter , battery , and wired headsets for manufacture
grade optical fibres or optical fibre cables .
of mobile handsets while excise duty structure on these items
10 . Sub-miniature fuses , micro fuses , resettable fuses and thermal
for supply to mobile handset manufacturers has been changed .
fuses : BCD has been exempted on specified raw materials and
These will be charged excise duty of 2 % ( without input tax
capital goods for use in manufacture of sub-miniature fuses ,
credit ) while CVD on imports shall be 12.5 %. To enable this ,
micro fuses , resettable fuses and thermal fuses .
inputs , parts and sub-parts for the manufacture of these goods
11 . BLDC motors : BCD on Neodymium Magnet ( before
have also been exempted from BCD , Excise Duty / CVD and
Magnetization ) [ 85051190 ] and Magnet Resin ( Strontium
Ferrite compound / before formed , before magnetization )
3 .
Semiconductor wafer fabrication / LCD fabrication and ATMP units :
[ 38249032 ] for use in manufacture of Brushless Direct Current
BCD and SAD have been exempted on machinery , electrical
( BLDC ) motors has been reduced from 7.5 % / 10 % to 2.5 %.
equipment , other instruments and their parts ( except
12 . Simplification of Customs ( Import of Goods at Concessional Rate
populated Printed Circuit Boards ) for use in semiconductor
of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods ) Rules : The existing
wafer fabrication / LCD fabrication and Assembly , Test , Marking
Customs ( Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for
and Packaging of semiconductor chips ( ATMP ) units .
Manufacture of Excisable Goods ) Rules , 1996 are being
4 .
Populated Printed Circuit Boards : To promote indigenous
substituted with the Customs ( Import of Goods at
manufacturing of Populated Printed Circuit Boards ( PCBs ),
Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods )
exemption of SAD ( of 4 %) on Populated PCBs for manufacture
Rules , 2016 with a view to simplify the rules , including allowing
of personal computers ( laptop or desktop ) including tablet
duty exemptions to importer / manufacturer based on selfcomputers
has been withdrawn and concessional SAD of 2 %
declaration instead of obtaining permissions from the Central
on Populated PCBs for manufacture of mobile handsets / tablet
Excise authorities . Need for additional registration is also being
computers has been imposed .
done away with . The new Rules will be effective from
5 .
Capacitor grade polypropylene granules : BCD on capacitor
01.04.2016 .
grade polypropylene granules or resins for the manufacture of
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 62