SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 60

Q . 54 What is the meaning of domestically manufactured item ?
Yes , DeitY has launched scheme for financial assistance to
The domestically manufactured electronic products are
select states / union territories for skill development in ESDM
manufactured by companies that are registered and
sector . The scheme was launched on 31 October , 2013 and
established in India and engaged in manufacturing in India and
will be operational for 4 years .
would include contract manufacturers . The electronics
Q . 58 What is grant available in the scheme and who all will be the
products shall meet the graded domestic value additions in
beneficiaries ?
terms of bills of materials . The electronic items manufactured
The estimated grant in aid support from central government
by foreign companies registered in India are considered as
will be INR 1 billion . Target beneficiaries will be student
domestically manufactured electronic products .
studying at IX / X standards onwards , ITI ’ s , Polytechnics , under
The details of products covered , guidelines and scheme can be
graduate ( non-engineering ), school drop outs from 8 th pass
seen from the following link- ( http :// deity . gov . in / esdm # pma )
onwards , ITI certificate holders , diploma holders , graduates ,
Q . 55 Does state governments provide any incentives on setting up a
registrants in employment exchanges , unemployed sources in
manufacturing unit ?
the non-formal sector .
Yes , each state government has its own incentive policy , which
Q . 59 What is the number of students targeted under the scheme and
offers various types of incentives based on the amount of
what will be the financial assistance ?
investments , project location , employment generation , etc . The
The scheme is targeting approximately 90,000 students with
incentives differ from state to state and are generally laid down
skill based targets and financial assistance includes assistance
in each state ’ s industrial policy .
upto 75 % of course fee ( 100 % for scheduled castes / scheduled
Some of the states have separate electronics policies . The
tribes or economically weaker section ). The details of the
details can be seen from the following link-
scheme can be seen from the following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / esdm # sea ) The details of Nodal officers
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / ESDM % 20Sche
can be seen from the following links-
me % 20Notification . pdf )
Nodal officer for M-SIPS-
Q . 60 Is there any scheme for skill development in electronic product
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Nodal _ Office
design ?
r . pdf )
Yes , DeitY launched the scheme for capacity building in the
Nodal officer for states- ( http :// deity . gov . in / content / statethe
areas of electronic product design and product technology at
estimated total cost of INR 49.69 Crore on 1 May 2013 . The
manufacturing-and-applicable-policy )
will be operational for 5 years . The area of coverage
Q . 56 What were the electronics related interventions in last budget ?
Various initiatives and measures were announced in last budget for electronics sector . The details can be seen from the following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Budget % 20ann ouncements % 202013-14 _ Brief . pdf )
Q . 57 Is there any scheme for skill development in ESDM sector ?
will be manpower development . The details of the scheme can be seen from following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Capacity building in Electronic Product Design and Production
Technology at CDAC and NIELIT . pdf )
Other reports and schemes on human resources development can be seen from the following link-
Section IX

Information on safety standards of electronic items

Q . 61 What are the policies relating to safety standards of electronics
The circular relating to BIS certification of electronic and IT
items ?
goods can be seen from the following link-
For curbing inflow of sub-standard goods into the country , a
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / CIRCULARscheme
introducing safety standards for electronic goods has
No _% 203 . pdf )
been approved through the “ Electronics and IT Goods
The list of labs for BIS testing can be seen from the
( Requirements for Compulsory Registration ) Order , 2012 and
following linkthe
same has been notified on Oct 3 , 2012 . This scheme
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / List _ of % 20 _ l
introduces a new paradigm for ensuring quality electronic
ab _ name . pdf )
goods in the country and enhancing safety of consumers . The
Nodal officer for ESDM standardsdetails
can be seen from the following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Office % 20Or
( http :// electronicstds . gov . in / CREITG /)
der % 20for % 20Nodal % 20Officer % 20-CR % 20Extension . pdf )
The other aspects relating to standards can be seen from
the following link- ( http :// deity . gov . in / esdm # std )
The FAQ on electronics and IT goods registration can be
seen from the following link-
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / FAQsR5-
11072013 . pdf )
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 60