SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 58

following link- ( http :// mha . nic . in / pdfs / ForeigD-FAQs-on-
Q . 42 Can companies in India enter into foreign technology
ConferenceVisa . pdf ).
agreements ?
Q . 41 Is there any act to regulate competition in India ?
Technology Agreements : Foreign investment in technology
Competition Act : The government of India enacted a modern
agreements effecting payments for royalty , lumpsum fee for
competition law in the form of Competition Act , 2002 and
transfer of technology and payments for use of
established the Competition Commission of India to carry out
trademark / brand name are allowed under the automatic route ,
the objectives of the Act . The details can be seen from the
i . e ., without any approval of the Government of India . Foreign
following link-
technology includes technical know-how , design , drawing ,
( http :// www . cci . gov . in / images / media / competition _ act / act200
engineering service and royalty . Use of foreign brand
2 . pdf ? phpMyAdmin = QuqXb-8V2yTtoq617iR6-k2VA8d )
names / trademarks is permitted for sale of goods in India .
Section VIII

Information on various types of Incentives

Q . 43 What are the various types of incentives available ?
intensity / employment . Benefit of 2 or 5 % transferable duty
There are various types of incentives available from Central and
free credit entitlement for specified products . Certain
state government departments for establishing a
products to get 2 % bonus benefits .
manufacturing unit . The incentives differ among the states and
Market Linked Focus Product Scheme : The basic objective
registration will be required to obtain various kinds of
is to incentivize exports with high employment intensity in
incentives .
rural and semi-urban areas . The benefit of 2 % transferable
Central Government Incentives :
duty free credit entitlement for specified products .
Incentives on exports : The foreign trade policy provides various
The list of electronic items covered under FPS & MLFPS
kinds of incentives for export of goods and services . The
can be seen from the following linkvarious
types of incentives are as follows :
( http :// deity . gov . in / sites / upload _ files / dit / files / Electronic %
Duty exemption / remission scheme : Advance Authorization :
Duty free imports of inputs allowed for exports provided
20items % 20notified % 20by % 20DGFT-
July % 202013 % 20 . pdf )
minimum 15 % value addition is achieved . The scheme also
Market Access Initiatives : Under MAI scheme , financial
requires import to be completed in 12 months and exports
assistance is provided for export promotion activities on
within 18 months .
focus country , focus product basis . Financial assistance is
Annual Advance Authorization : It is available only to exporters with at least 2 years of exports . The entitlement will be equivalent to 300 % of the FOB value or INR 10 million whichever is more .
The authorization will be valid for 12 months .
Duty Free Import Authorization : Under this exporters are allowed to import inputs free of basic customs and or additional / SAD duty . Scheme covers only products under standard inputs output norms . It also required minimum value addition of 20 %.
Duty Drawback : Duty Drawback is the rebate of duty chargeable on imported material or excisable material used in the manufacturing of goods in and is exported . The exporter may claim drawback or refund of excise and customs duties being paid by his suppliers . Drawback Schedule covers now about
4600 products . n
Export promotion capital goods scheme-Under the scheme import of capital goods at a zero basic custom duty is allowed for export purposes . The capital goods for pre / post production stage also permitted . The exports to
n n n
available for Export Promotion Councils ( EPCs ), Industry and Trade Associations ( ITAs ), Agencies of State
Government , Indian Commercial Missions ( ICMs ) abroad and other national level institutions / eligible entities as may be notified .
Incremental exports incentivisation scheme : A duty credit scrip @ 2 % on the incremental growth ( achieved by the
IEC holder ) during the current year is given . ( Incremental growth shall be in respect of each exporter ( IEC holder ) without any scope for combining the exports for Group
Company ). The scheme is region specific and covers exports to USA , Europe and Asia . In addition , 53 countries in Latin America and Africa .
The details of various exports incentives schemes and procedures can be seen from the Foreign trade policy and procedures available on the following link- ( http :// dgft . gov . in / exim / 2000 / download-ftp1213 . htm )
For the incentives and facilities offered to units in SEZs please refer Q . 26 .
be effected equivalent to 6 times the duty saved on capital
North Eastern States : There is an incentive scheme of
goods . Exports to be completed in 6 years .
central government for undertaking established in north
Focus Market Scheme : The basic objective is to offset high freight cost and other externalities to select international
eastern states . The details can be seen from the following link- ( http :// dipp . nic . in / English / Schemes / ner . aspx ).
market . The benefit of 3 % transferable duty free credit
R & D concessions : There are some deduction incentives for
entitlement for specified countries . The special focus
research and development expenditure .
markets to get 4 % benefits .
Investment allowance ( additional depreciation ) at the rate
Focus Product Scheme : The basic objective is to
of 15 percent to manufacturing companies that invest
encourage products with high export
more than INR 1 billion in plant and machinery during the
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 58