SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 38

The National Investment and Manufacturing Zones ( NIMZs ) will
such other functions as specified in the various sections of this
be developed as integrated industrial townships with state-of-
policy . To enable the NIMZ to function as a self governing and
the art infrastructure and land use on the basis of zoning ; clean
autonomous body , it will be declared by the State Government
and energy efficient technology ; necessary social
as an Industrial Township under Art 243 Q ( c ) of the
infrastructure ; skill development facilities , etc ., to provide a
Constitution . In sum , the NIMZs would be large areas of
productive environment to persons transitioning from the
developed land , with the requisite eco-system for promoting
primary sector to the secondary and tertiary sectors . These
world class manufacturing activity . They would be different
NIMZs would be managed by SPVs which would ensure master
from SEZs in terms of size , level of infrastructure planning , and
planning of the Zone ; pre-clearances for setting up the
governance structures related to regulatory procedures and
industrial units to be located within the zone and undertake
exit policies .
a .
Trade policy impacts significantly on the domestic
ensured that the available flexibilities are not diluted at this
production level and profile . The import and export regime ,
juncture when the attempt is to strengthen the manufacturing
whether tariffs or export promotion measures constitute
sector .
important policy instruments which shape a country ’ s
c .
The policy will take active measures to protect export of
production profile . With increasing globalization and
products and services from India from border taxes or other
international engagement , it is critical that these policy
border measures that may be imposed by partner countries on
instruments be aligned carefully so that domestic
the grounds of protection of environment including those
manufacturing is not adversely impacted .
related to GHG emissions reduction .
b .
Trade policy is no longer restricted to border measures .
d .
NMCC will be authorized to examine and make
International trade rules now encompass measures which are
recommendations on duty structures and other measures to
more internal to an economy than just border measures , for
the extent that they impact the manufacturing sector in order
example , public / government procurement . Government
to ensure that changes therein do not adversely affect the
procurement can be a significant domestic policy instrument
manufacturing sector .
by which industry can be seeded / supported through local
value addition requirements . This policy proposes government
procurement as a significant instrument . As such it needs to be
If we can ’ t see you ... neither can your customers
build your presence , your brand , your business
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 38