SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 34

public or private institutions with government
expiry of timeline .
inspection services under the overall control of
vi ) A Combined Application Form and a Common Register
statutory authorities . In respect of environmental
will be developed as far as practicable .
laws / regulations , the inspection by specially trained / designated / notified agencies for third party inspection shall be considered to supplement the inspection by the Government agencies for compliance monitoring . iii ) In respect of laws and regulations pertaining to environment , Central / State Governments may delegate the power as allowed by the relevant statutes to an official of the State Pollution Control Board ( SPCB ) posted in the zone . The Environmental Clearances for
NIMZ units under the EIA Notification , 2006 shall be considered on a high priority , and the units thereon will be exempted from public hearing provided under the
EIA Notification , 2006 in cases where such estates have undergone public hearing as a whole . Further , facilitative instructions and guidelines may be issued at the Central and State level from time to time aiming at promotion of NIMZ investment while safeguarding environmental integrity
vii ) Submission of multiple returns to different departments will be replaced by one simplified Monthly / Quarterly return wherever feasible .
2.4 Of all the statutory clearances for running the industry , the most significant and important are the environment clearances and matters relating to labour welfare . Major environmental aspects will be taken care of in the NIMZ in the beginning itself by having an impact study while doing selection of the site and subsequently by having proper zoning during Master Planning . The Exit Policy will be prepared keeping in view the provisions for protection of workers ’ rights within the statutory framework .
Mechanisms may be developed for cooperation of public or private institutions with government inspection services under the overall control of statutory authorities . Subject to setting up a suitable mechanism in concurrence with the
Ministry of Labour & Employment to enforce various labour laws , the appropriate Government shall delegate the powers of inspection and enforcement to CEO of SPV who
iv ) The entire process of clearances by Central and State
shall be a senior Government official . The Government will
authorities will be progressively made web-enabled .
conduct periodic audit of the enforcement mechanism put
v ) Timelines will be defined in respect of all clearances . In
in place to ensure compliance of all labour welfare
case the decision is not taken in the specified timeline ,
provisions .
the clearance will be ‘ deemed ’ to have been given on
Continuation of non-viable businesses leads to locking of funds
Manufacturing Policy seeks to introduce policy measures to
and capital assets , which can be more productively deployed
facilitate the expeditious redeployment of assets belonging to
for generation of higher output , incomes and employment . An
non viable units , while giving full protection to the interests of
expeditious exit mechanism is therefore essential for
the employees .
investments locked up in businesses . The National
Technology development and upgradation is critical to
the following issues :
attaining the stated objectives of the Policy . Going up the
• Objective criteria will be prescribed by a
technology ladder is the quickest way to become globally
Committee called the Green Manufacturing
competitive and ensure sustained growth of the manufacturing
Committee ( GMAC ) comprising representatives
sector . This will depend not just on development of indigenous
from the concerned Ministries / Departments of
technological expertise , but also on the ability to make crucial
the Central Government and relevant sectoral
technology acquisitions in the global market .
experts from outside government . The criteria
In today ’ s world , green technology is not a choice but an
will be consistent with the objective of the
imperative for sustainable development . Availability of
national action plan on climate change and the
affordable technologies has always been a constraint on our
strategy for inclusive sustainable development .
manufacturing growth . Adoption and / or adaptation of these
• The criteria will be reviewed by the Committee
technologies entail costs which are substantial especially for
annually as technology is dynamic and evolving
SMEs . Hence , there is a need for supporting adoption of green
constantly .
technologies and resource conservation practices .
4.1.2 SPV of NIMZ will be enjoined with the responsibility of
4.1 The National Manufacturing Policy will leverage the
ensuring project compliance with the above-mentioned
existing incentives / schemes of the Government of India
criteria set-up by the Committee and also put up the
and also introduce new mechanisms to promote green
cases for incentives after due diligence . The onus of
technologies .
proving ‘ cleaner ’/’ greener ’/’ energy efficient ’ will be on
4.1.1 This will necessitate specification of clear
the claimant subject to third party certification by an
definitions / eligibility criteria for what can be
agency / expert drawn from a panel approved by the
categorised as ‘ Clean and Green ’. The system for
GMAC . The claimant will provide clear , objective
defining and implementing Greener and Cleaner
information on the product / technology throughout the
Technology shall be devised which would address
lifecycle from manufacture to disposal . In case of
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 34