SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 32

well as market based policy interventions . Government
v .
Joint ventures between foreign companies and Indian
would prescribe emission and discharge standards ,
partners .
excluding green house gas emissions , and the choice of
1.22 Trade and investment policy are inextricably linked with
technologies to meet the standards would be decided by
manufacturing policy to ensure greater harmony of
the project promoters . The Government will provide
objectives . While India will continue to integrate itself
continuous incentives , monetary and otherwise , to
with the globalised world through bilateral and regional
encourage polluting entities to reduce releases of harmful
free trade agreements / comprehensive economic
pollutants to ensure that the standards are complied with .
partnership agreements , it will be ensured that such
1.19 Land has emerged as a major constraint for industrial
agreements do not have a detrimental effect on domestic
growth in recent years . The Government will take
manufacturing in India . The government will also consider
measures to make industrial land available , which is
use of public procurement in specified sectors with
critical for sustained industrial growth through creation of
stipulation of local value addition in areas of critical
land banks by States ; digitization of land and resources
technologies and wherever necessary such as solar
maps ; and programmes for utilization of lands locked
energy equipment , electronic hardware , fuel efficient
under non productive uses , including defunct or sick
transport equipment and IT based security systems .
industries .
1.23 The growth of manufacturing at over 12 percent per
1.20 Manufacturing and technology development are closely
annum over the medium to long term would exert a lot of
inter-connected as technologies become useful when
pressure on raw materials markets . Arrangements for
they are converted into products through manufacturing
assured supply of such materials over the long term will
and the feedback from manufacturing fosters continuing
be put in place . Acquisition of advanced technology
technology development .
companies would facilitate transfer of technology to the
1.21 By leveraging the strength of our large market , policies
parent manufacturing company , while acquisition of
and measures will be taken to ensure access for Indian
companies enjoying better brand value or strategic
companies to foreign technologies as well as
location advantages would enhance market access of
development of advanced indigenous technologies . These
Indian firms . For these to be achieved a clear set of policy
would include :
guidelines will be put in place by the Government .
I .
Incentives , in the form of tax concessions and
1.24 Implementation of the policy is as important as policy
government subsidies , for indigenous development of
making itself , as unless properly implemented , the policy
technology ;
by itself will not deliver the desired result . In order to
ii .
Partnerships between industries and government laboratories ; iii . Preferential purchases by government agencies of indigenously developed products and technologies ;
ensure effective implementation of the Policy , a manufacturing policy review mechanism will be instituted and a high-level committee chaired by Secretary ,
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion will monitor the implementation on a regular basis . A
iv . Judicious development of an Intellectual Property
Manufacturing Industry Promotion Board ( MIPB ) at the
regime to enable more collaborative innovation , as well
level of Union Minister of Commerce and Industry will be
as more indigenous innovation and improved access to
constituted to ensure coordination amongst Central
environmentally friendly technologies . India will be very
Ministries and State Governments . State Governments
cautious about further expansions beyond the present
would need to be equal partners in giving effect to this
TRIPS regime which could have implications on
policy and the State Industry Ministers Conference will be
development and ownership of technologies within the
convened on a half-yearly basis to initiate a dialogue for
country and
giving a focused thrust to manufacturing .
Rationalization of Regulatory Procedures
not willing to shed or reinvent their roles . The Government
2.1 On an average , a manufacturing unit needs to comply with
has to recognise the need to reinvent itself and allow the
nearly 70 laws and regulations . Apart from facing multiple
industry to self regulate itself to the extent possible . The
inspections , these units have to file sometime as many as
objective of an act or regulation should be achieved
100 returns in a year . This kind of compliance burden putscorruption
without being intrusive and giving rise to complaints of
off young entrepreneurs and they are not willing to take up
an entrepreneurial role . As a result , a large number of
2.3 Several provisions of different acts may either be
people who could have been self employed and would
rationalised or implemented in cooperation with public or
contribute to further employment and enhance economic
private institutions under the overall control of statutory
activity , end up accepting jobs much below their potential .
authorities to facilitate the entrepreneurs . It is , therefore ,
2.2 A number of efforts have been made in the past to bring
proposed to have the following framework :
down this compliance burden . There have been attempts at
i )
Central / State Governments may provide exemptions
single window systems and fast track approvals . In certain
subject to fulfilment of conditions as provided in the
cases technology has been leveraged to enable electronic
statute . SPV may act as a facilitator in this regard .
approvals . These efforts have been only partially
ii ) Mechanisms may be developed for cooperation of
successful , because different Government departments are
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 32