SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 30

the desired pace . A special focus will be given to
sick units while protecting labour interests ; iii . Financial
machine tools ; heavy electrical equipments ; heavy
and institutional mechanisms for technology
transport , earth moving and mining equipments . Time
development , including green technologies ;
bound programmes will be initiated for building strong
iii . Industrial training and skill up gradation measures ;
capacities with R & D facilities and also to encourage growth and development of these capacities in the private sector while strategically strengthening the
iv . Incentives for SMEs ; v .
Special Focus Sectors ;
public sector to complement the private initiatives
vi . Leveraging infrastructure deficit and government
where essential .
procurement - including defence ;
iii . Industries with strategic significance : A strategic
vii . Clustering and aggregation : National Investment and
requirement of the country would warrant the launch of
Manufacturing Zones ( NIMZs );
programmes to build national capabilities to make India
viii . Trade Policy
a major force in sectors like aerospace ; shipping ; IT
1.13 Global experience of manufacturing has shown the
hardware and electronics ; telecommunication
advantages of clustering and agglomeration as it
equipment ; defence equipment ; and solar energy .
enhances supply chain responsiveness , provides easier
Mission mode projects will be conceptualised in each of
access to market , talent and substantially lowers logistic
these sectors , recognizing the fact that a mission on
costs . Though the government has been executing
solar energy has already been launched under the
multiple schemes for promoting industrial clusters , full
National Action Plan on Climate Change .
benefits of agglomeration are yet to be realized . One of
iv . Industries where India enjoys a competitive advantage : India ’ s
the key instruments to catalyze the growth of
large domestic market coupled with a strong
manufacturing will be establishment of National
engineering base has created indigenous expertise and
Investment and Manufacturing Zones ( NIMZs ) which will
cost effective manufacturing in automobiles ;
be developed in the nature of green field industrial
pharmaceuticals ; and medical equipment . The
townships , benchmarked with the best manufacturing
concerned ministries will be formulating special
hubs in the world . These will also help us to meet the
programmes to consolidate strong industry base to
increasing demand for creating world class urban centres
retain the global leadership position .
in India , while will also absorb surplus labour by providing
v . Small and Medium Enterprises : The SME sector
them gainful employment opportunities . These NIMZs will
contributes about 45 % to the manufacturing output ,
seek to address the infrastructural bottleneck which has
40 % of the total exports , and offers employment
been cited as a constraining factor for the growth of
opportunities both for self-employment and jobs ,
manufacturing .
across diverse geographies . A healthy rate of growth
1.14 A comprehensive exit policy will be put in place which will
shall be ensured for the overall growth of the
promote productivity while providing flexibility by
manufacturing sector as also the national economy by
removing rigidity in the labour market and ensuring
policy interventions in areas like manufacturing
protection of workers ’ rights as laid down in the statute .
management , including accelerated adoption of
1.15 The growth of manufacturing has to come hand in hand
Information technology ; skill development ; access to
with the concerted thrust on skill development
capital ; marketing ; procedural simplification and
programme . The National Skill Development Initiative
governance reform .
launched by the Government of India has provided a
The National Manufacturing Competitiveness
renewed thrust to build productive capacities . This Policy
Programme , being implemented by M / o MSME will be
seeks to make skill development integral to productive
strengthened , and the recommendations of Task Force
enterprise in the country which would be supported by
on MSME for creation of a separate fund with SIDBI ,
robust government institutions .
strengthening of NSIC , modification of lending norms
1.16 The thrust with regard to labour management will be to
and inclusion of lending to MSMEs under ‘ priority
encourage unions and employers to develop better
sector ’ lending will be given due regard in taking
institutional arrangements in the states , and within
appropriate measures .
production units , through dialogue and consultation . The
vii . Public Sector Enterprises : Public Sector Undertakings ,
stress will be on rationalisation in employment laws and
especially those in Defence and Energy sectors ,
in shop floor practices .
continue to play a major role in the growth of
1.17 Manufacturing management will be given a focused
manufacturing as well as of the national economy . A
attention as it will facilitate improvement of productivity ,
suitable policy framework will be formulated in this
quality and competitiveness of manufacturing enterprise .
regard to make PSUs competitive while ensuring
Industry will be encouraged to collaborate with higher
functional autonomy .
educational institutions to develop curricula for grooming
1.12 Specific policy instruments have been conceptualized to
graduate engineers and supervisory managers for various
achieve the objectives stated above . These instruments
facets of manufacturing .
which are outlined in greater detail in Part-B of the Policy
1.18 In the context of sustainable development and in order to
document broadly cover the following areas : -
drive the “ greening ” of manufacturing operations and to
i .
Rationalization and simplification of business
explore the emerging technologies in this area , which
regulations ;
offer opportunities to build local and global leadership ,
ii .
Simple and expeditious exit mechanism for closure of
the government will take recourse to both regulatory as
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 30