SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 261


India UPS Market Forecast and Opportunities , 2020

Key Players in India

Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd T : 0141-7102400 / 500 ; E : inverter @ genus . in , W : genus . in
Delta Power Solutions India Pvt Ltd T : 0124-4874900 , E : upsinfo @ delta . co . in , W : deltaelectronicsindia . com
Su-Kam Power Systems Ltd T : + 91-124-4030700 , E : mgoel @ su-kam . com , W : su-kam . com
Microtek Internatonal Pvt Ltd T : 011-4273377 , E : ho @ microtekdirect . com , W : microtekdirect . com
Hitachi Hi-Rel Power Electronics Pvt Ltd T : + 91-79-66046200 , W : hitachi-hirel . com E : contact @ hitachi-hirel . com
Amara Raja Electronics Ltd T : 044-28213270 ; W : amararajaelectronics . com
Uniline Energy Systems Pvt Ltd 198 / 23 , Ramesh Market , East of Kailash , New Delhi-110065 ; T : + 91-11-46661111 , 26469108 E : uniline @ uniline . in , W : unilineindia . com
True Power International Ltd T : + 91-11-27833603 , 27833604 E : info @ truepower . in , W : truepower . in
V-Guard Industries Ltd T : 0484-3005000 ; E : mail @ vguard . in ; W : vguard . in
Riello PCI India Pvt Ltd T : 0124-4111999 ; E : pci @ prime-pci . com ; W : primegroupindia . com
Tritronics India Pvt Ltd T : 011-4216100 , + 91-9789086628 E : sales @ tritronicsindia . com W : tritronicsindia . com
upsinverter . com T : + 91-9250885885 , + 91-11-65168534 E : yogesh @ utlups . com , W : upsinverter . com
Epoch Electronica Ltd T : + 91-33-26651551 / 9193 E : epoch _ electronics @ vsnl . com W : www . epochelectronica . com
Elent Electronics Pvt Ltd T : 011-40704402 , 40704444 E : ramotar @ elent . in , W : elent . in
Samtek Electronics T : + 91-11-22758219 , 22794051 E : samtekpower @ gmail . com ; W : samtek . co
The demand for power has been increasing at an exponential rate in India over the last decade . However , power quality has continued to remain a cause of concern . Further , the widening gap between demand and supply of electricity is becoming a challenge foster India ’ s growth . The combination of these inefficiencies in the country ’ s power infrastructure continues to drive the UPS market in India . Growing demand from diverse sectors such as IT and IT enabled services ( ITeS ); banking , financial services and insurance ( BFSI ); government , manufacturing , telecom and energy sectors continues to drive the UPS market in India . Government ’ s initiative to computerize its various departments coupled with ‘ The National e-Governance Plan ’ are expected to
According to “ India UPS Market Forecast & Opportunities , 2020 ”, the market for UPS systems in India is projected to surpass USD1.2 billion by 2020 . Desktop computers have been the major demand drivers for India ’ s UPS market in volume terms over the last decade . Though the use of desktop computers is now shrinking as users are increasingly opting for laptops and tablet PCs , but still they continue to account for most of the sales in < 1kVA UPS segment . Increasing demand for high-end UPS is expected to emanate from growing installations of high-end electronic equipment and machineries in industrial set-ups . Increasing penetration of IT / ITES sector in Tier-II & Tier II cities of the country is also anticipated to boost the demand for boost the demand for low-end UPS UPS systems in the coming years . systems through 2020 .
India UPS Market to surpass US $ 1.2 Billion by 2020
Growing Demand from IT / ITeS and
to computerize its various departments
BFSI sectors coupled with prevailing
coupled with ‘ The National e-
power deficit scenario in the country to
Governance Plan ’ is expected to boost
boost demand for UPS systems in India
the demand for low-end UPS systems
till 2020 . According to recently
through 2020 . Increasing demand for
published TechSci Research report ,
high-end UPS is expected to emanate
“ India UPS Market Forecast and
from growing installations of high-end
Opportunities , 2020 ”, the market for
electronic equipment and machineries
UPS systems in India is projected to
in industrial set-ups . Increasing
surpass USD1.2 billion by 2020 .
penetration of IT / ITES sector in Tier-II &
Demand for electricity has been
Tier II cities of the country is also
witnessing exponential growth from all
anticipated to boost the demand for
sectors across India over the last
UPS systems in the coming years .
decade . The energy deficit stood at
“ Up to 50 kVA UPS have been
4.2 % in 2013-14 as compared to 8.5 %
dominating the country ’ s UPS market ,
during the fiscal year 2012 . With
both in value as well as volume terms .
increasing government emphasis on
However , the share of high-end ( above
power generation , the overall power
50 kVA ) UPS systems is also expected
deficit in country has reduced over the
to increase by 2020 on accounting of
past five years , however , states like
anticipated industrial and
Uttar Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir
manufacturing growth over the next five
continue to face power crunch .
years . Moreover , growth in IT / ITeS , BFSI
Growing demand from diverse sectors
and telecom is expected to continue
such as IT and IT enabled services
generating demand for low- and
( ITeS ); banking , financial services and
medium-end UPS over the next five
insurance ( BFSI ); government ,
years .” said Mr . Karan Chechi , Research
manufacturing , telecom and energy
Director with TechSci Research , a
sectors continues to drive the UPS
research based global management
market in India . Government ’ s initiative
consulting firm .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 261