SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 255


India Solar Power Equipment Market Forecast and Opportunities


Key Players in India

Tata Power Solar Systems Ltd
78 , Electronics City , Phase I , Hosur Road , Bengaluru - 560100 India
T : + 91-80-677-2000 / 3000 W : tatapowersolar . com
Moser Baer Solar Group 43B , Okhla Industrial Estate , Phase - 3 , New Delhi - 110020 . India T : + 91-11-40594444 , 26911570 / 74 W : moserbaersolar . com
Vikram Solar Pvt Ltd
The Chambers ', 8th Floor , 1865 , Rajdanga Main Road , Kolkata - 700107 West Bengal , India
T : + 91-33-22307299 E : info @ vikramsolar . com , W : vikramsolar . com
EMMVEE Solar Systems Pvt Ltd
# 13 / 1 , International , Airport Road , Bettahalasur , Post , Bengaluru-562 157 , India
T : + 91-80-43233333 , 43233511 E : info @ emmvee . in , W : emmveesolar . com
Websol Energy System Ltd
Falta SEZ , Sector – II , Falta , Village Birsa , Mouza Akalmegh , P . S Ramnagar , Dist : South 24 Pargana , West Bengal
T : + 91-3174-222932 E : websol @ webelsolar . com , W : webelsolar . com
Photon Energy Systems Ltd
Plot No . 26 , H . No . 8-2-603 / 1 / 26 , Silicon Banjara , Krishnapuram , Road No . 10 , Banjara Hills , Hyderabad - 500034 , Land Mark - Near Namasthe Telangana Office , Telangana ,
T : + 91-40-23331337 / 1338 / 1339 E : contact @ photonsolar . in , W : photonsolar . in
Swelect Energy Systems Ltd
Numeric House ", 3rd Floor , No . 5 , Sir P . S . Sivasamy Salai , Mylapore , Chennai-600004 ,
T : + 91-44-24993266 E : info @ swelectes . com , W : swelectes . com
Surana Ventures Ltd 5th Floor , Surya Towers , Hyderabad - 500003 T : + 91-40-44665700 E : solar @ surana . com , W : suranaventures . com
Premier Solar Systems Pvt Ltd
3rd Floor , V V Towers , Main Road , Karkhana , Secunderabad-500009 Telangana India
T : + 91-40-27744415 / 27744416 E : marketing @ premiersolarsystems . com W : premiersolarsystems . com
India consumes a large amount of fossil
emissions in the coming years .
fuels such as coal and crude oil to meet
According to “ India Solar Power
its domestic energy requirements .
Equipment Market Forecast &
Power and transportation sectors are
Opportunities , 2020 ”, the solar power
the leading consumers of coal and
equipment market in India is projected
crude oil in the country . Over the past
to surpass USD4 billion by 2020 ,
couple of decades , consumption of
wherein solar energy would be
fossil fuels for power generation in India
generated by employing photovoltaic
has increased significantly due to
( PV ) and concentrated solar power
increasing urbanization and
( CSP ) technologies across the country .
industrialization . However , considering
Constantly improving solar equipment
future energy requirements and
technologies , advanced manufacturing
concerns associated with fossil fuels ,
processes for production of hi-tech
India has taken huge strides over the
equipment and anticipated decline in
past three years in developing its solar
equipment prices is projected to further
potential by implementing green growth
drive the solar equipment market over
agenda along with commissioning of
the next five years . Launch of
solar power plants in the country .
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar
Generating energy by tapping sun ’ s
Mission by Government of India in 2010
radiation is expected to help India inch
has been a major initiative taken to
towards ensuring energy security and
promote sustainable development of
reduce the country ’ s greenhouse gas
the solar energy sector in the country .

India Solar Power Equipment Market to cross USD4 Billion by 2020

Growing demand for renewable sources of energy and favorable government incentives to drive India solar equipment market through 2020 . India is forecast to witness robust growth in solar power generation capacity due to rising focus of the government towards sustainable energy generation . Availability of abundant sunshine throughout the year makes the country an ideal location for solar power generation . Rapid population growth and increasing urbanization and industrialization is driving demand for energy , traditionally met by coal and crude oil . However , growing shift towards renewable sources of energy and favorable government initiatives have increased the share of solar power in the country ’ s total energy generation mix . Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission ( JNNSM ), a capacity addition of 20,000 MW has been envisaged to be
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