India has been witnessing a significant |
transformers , as the products offered by |
rise in power demand for the past few |
them are considered cheaper and |
decades on account of rapid growth in |
technologically advanced . |
population , industrialization and |
According to “ India Power & |
urbanization . The government has |
Distribution Transformers Market |
taken up various initiatives including |
Forecast & Opportunities , 2020 ”, the |
Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti |
power and distribution transformers |
Yojana ( DDUGJY ) for electrification of |
market in India is projected to grow at a |
rural pockets of India , which has |
CAGR of over 10 % till 2020 . Power |
spurred significant investments in the |
transformers contribute a major portion |
country ’ s power sector . Notable |
in overall market revenues due to their |
technological upgrades are underway |
higher price points . Under the 12thfive |
to reinforce the country ’ s transmission |
year plan ( 2012-2017 ), Indian |
and distribution network , which would |
government allocated US $ 200 billion |
continue to drive the demand for power |
for strengthening the country ’ s power |
and distribution transformers in India . |
generation , transmission and |
Considering the negative impact of |
distribution sector . One of the major |
these technological developments on |
developments underway includes the |
the environment , the industry has been |
country ’ s shift from 765 kV to 1200 kV |
undergoing a paradigm shift towards |
power transmission . This , in turn , is |
green technologies . As a result , |
fueling the demand for EHV and UHV |
transformer manufacturers in India as |
class power transformer installations |
well as in other countries have started |
throughout the country . India is also |
investing heavily towards their research |
focusing on use of alternative energy |
and development efforts . Foreign |
resources like nuclear and solar energy |
players , especially Chinese and Korean |
for power generation , which is expected |
electrical equipment manufacturers , |
to further boost transformer |
have captured almost one fourth of |
deployments in the country in the |
Indian transformers market , mainly in |
coming years . |
EHV and UHV class power |
India power and distribution |
country ’ s power transmission and |
transformers market to witness robust |
distribution ( T & D ) sector remained |
growth due to growing demand for |
sluggish during 10th and 11th five year |
electricity and government initiatives for |
plan due to inadequate investments |
power additions . According to recently |
allocated by the Indian government . |
published TechSci Research report |
However , under the 12th five year plan , |
“ India Power and Distribution |
the Indian government is focused |
Transformers Market Forecast and |
towards expansion of the country ’ s T & D |
Opportunities , 2020 ” the market for |
network with significantly higher |
power & distribution transformers in |
investments than previous five year |
India is projected to grow at a CAGR of |
plans , which is expected to result in |
10.5 % during 2015-20 . Growth of the |
robust growth of the power & |