Plastic and flexible OLED displays market to reach $ 18bn by |
batteries . Future flexible displays will also make foldable mobile |
2020 IDTechEx Research has recently released new forecasts for |
devices a reality . The rise of plastic and flexible displays is the |
the OLED display market . OLED is an emissive display |
most important trend in the industry and is offering opportunities |
technology which is gaining significant market share against |
in the supply chain . Recently , Kateeva raised another $ 88m to |
liquid crystal displays ( LCD ). OLED was initially adopted in |
a ccelerate their growth . The company supplies the mass |
mobile phones but can now be found in tablets , TVs , and |
production equipment to deposit thin film encapsulation on |
wearables . This latest Research report , OLED Display Forecasts |
flexible OLED displays . All the new investors are located in China |
2016-2026 : The Rise of Plastic and Flexible Displays , says the |
and include BOE and TCL Capital . We now expect the market for |
market will reach nearly $ 16bn this year and will grow to $ 57bn |
plastic and flexible OLED displays will reach $ 18 billion by 2020 . |
in 2026 . |
The two main segments are currently smart phones and smart |
The two main manufacturers of OLED displays have both |
watches . Once the technology becomes more mature it will be |
announced large investment to expand their production |
possible to see larger sizes and applications in automotive |
capacities . Samsung Display has plans to spend more than $ 3bn |
displays . |
between 2015 and 2017 to build a new production line . Their |
New applications in wearable devices such as augmented reality |
rival LG Display is trying to lead the industry by committing over |
( AR ) and virtual reality ( VR ) are also coming to market and |
$ 9bn for two new manufacturing plants . OLED displays that are |
provide new opportunities for suppliers of OLED displays . Sony , |
manufactured on flexible substrates have been successfully |
Oculus , and HTC have already announced new VR headsets |
introduced on the market , featuring in consumer devices such as |
based on OLED . In AR glasses , OLED micro displays could |
the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge or the Apple Watch . Compared to |
replace LCoS ( liquid crystal on silicon ) as the main display |
conventional glass-based displays , plastic OLED displays are |
technology . |
much thinner and lighter , enabling slimmer devices or bigger |
The smart MEMS microphone market is expected to be worth |
solution for implementing voice interfaces into existing and |
$ 300 million in 2020 . According to industry analysts SAR |
new product categories .” |
Insight & Consulting , smart microphones products are |
According to the latest report from SAR Insight & Consulting |
expected to emerge in 2016 and see fast adoption across a |
( Smart Microphones for Mobile & Beyond ) the total MEMS |
number of end market including smartphones , wearable |
microphone market continues to grow strongly as new use |
devices , smart home and automotive . |
cases emerge and existing markets move towards the use of |
Key MEMS microphone vendors such as Knowles , AAC |
microphone arrays . |
Technologies , Goertek and STMicroelectronics could |
These arrays enable more enable advanced voice |
potentially grab a share of a market worth almost $ 300 million |
enhancements to improve the usability of voice interface |
in 2020 . |
solutions such as automatic speech recognition engines for |
The need for always on , always listening voice interfaces is |
digital assistants such as Alexa , Cortana , Google Now , and |
one of the main uses that will drive rapid growth in the market |
Siri . |
for smart microphones . Total unit shipments are expected to |
Almost 6 billion MEMS microphones are expected to ship in |
grow at a CAGR of > 230 per cent from 2016 to 2020 . |
2020 for use in a wide range of equipment . |
“ Smart microphones have emerged as an alternative to other |
“ There are many inhibiting factors to the growth of use of |
integrated voice input and processing solutions where ultra- |
smart microphones , some of the most important ones include |
low power consumption is paramount ,” Peter Cooney , |
cost , size , other processing choices and supplier choice ,” |
Principal Analyst & Director of SAR Insight & Consulting , said . |
Peter said . “ Smartphones vendors for example may choose to |
“ The use of smart microphones will not wipe out other |
use standard MEMS microphones rather than smart |
solutions but instead will be an alternative in some markets |
microphones .” |
such as the smart home where these can offer the lowest cost |