SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 22

development of R & D etc . for both hardware and related
d .
To promote development of e-waste recycling
software to meet the demand of telecom equipment
industry for domestically produced e-waste .
and mobile handset devices .
e .
To create a specific thrust within Electronic
Railways : To create an eco-system for manufacture of
Development Fund for the development of IPR and
Railway related electronics for application in Signaling ,
electronics products in green technologies .
Telecommunications and rolling stock . To set up three
10 . Governance Structures
centre of excellence one each for Railway Signaling
System , Railway Telecom and Rolling Stock Electronics .
To set up a National Electronics Mission with industry participation to evolve programmes in pursuit of the
Games and Toys : To encourage electronic games and
laid down policies and also to create Institutional
toys development and manufacturing for tapping the
mechanisms to advance the implementation of various
domestic and export markets .
programmes aimed at achieving the objectives
9 . Handling e-waste
enumerated in this policy and to promote India as an
To facilitate environment friendly e-waste handling
Electronics Hardware Manufacturing Hub and suitably
market " Brand India " in Electronics .
a .
To create a mechanism with industry to streamline
The Department of Information Technology to be
the implementation of e-waste ( Management and
renamed as Department of Electronics and Information
Handling ) Rules , 2011 including restrictions on
Technology ( Deity ).
usage of hazardous substances as per global best-
States would be encouraged to actively promote the
practices .
development of ESDM sector .
b .
To help streamline procedures to prevent e-waste
11 . Funding
dumping in the country .
Funds would also be mobilized from the private
c .
To facilitate implementation of Extended Producers
sector / banks / financial institutions and other private
Responsibility under the e-waste ( Management and
equity organizations for leveraging the contribution of
Handling ) Rules , 2011 for electronic hardware
the Government to the Electronic Development Fund .
manufacturers as well as recyclers .

Incentive Schemes

Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme ( M-SIPS )

To offset disability and attract investments in Electronic
investments made in a project within a period of 10 years
manufacturing , Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme
from the date of application
( M-SIPS ) was notified on 27.7.2012 .
The M-SIPS require applicants to submit applications with
The scheme is available for both new projects and expansion
Financial Closure ( tied up funds ) for the project they propose to
projects . The scheme provides capital subsidy of 20 % in SEZ
execute . The Financial Closure for a project , however , can be
( 25 % in non-SEZ ) for units engaged in electronics
given in phases .
manufacturing . It also provides for reimbursements of CVD /
As per para 6.1 of M-SIPS notification , to consider the
excise for capital equipment for the non-SEZ units . For some
applications under the scheme and to submit it ’ s
of the high capital investment projects like fabs , it provides for
recommendations , an Appraisal Committee headed by
reimbursement of Central Taxes and Duties . The incentives are
Additional Secretary , DeitY have been constituted .
provided on reimbursement basis . The incentives were available for 29 electronic verticals . Units all across the manufacturing value chain are covered under the scheme . For each of the product category , an investment threshold is prescribed which an applicant has to incur for getting eligible for incentives . The investment threshold varies from Rs 1 Crore to Rs 5000 Crores depending upon a type of project . The incentives are available for 10 years from the date of approval .
The scheme was initially opened for 3 years till 26-07-2015 .
The scheme was amended on August 3 , 2015 . The salient amendments include
The non- refundable application fee which is required to be submitted along with the application form has been separately notified . It varies from Rs 10,000 / - for projects costing less than 10 crores to Rs 1,00,000 / - for projects costing 10,000 crores and above .
M-SIPS scheme is presently open to receive applications . All
Initial applications which will be received by DeitY on or before
26-07-2020 will be considered for incentives under M-SIPS .
The Nodal Officer is the key contact for all communications relating to M-SIPS . Nodal Officer ( M-SIPS ) has been appointed .
( I ) The term of the scheme has been extended upto 27-07-
2020 .
All applications under M-SIPS are required to be submitted online at www . msips . in . Any further communication with
( ii ) The scope of the scheme has been extended to cover
regard to the application can be addressed to Nodal Officer
additional verticals .
( M-SIPS ), Department of Electronics and IT , Electronics
( iii ) The procedure for grant of approval has been simplified
Niketan , Lodhi Road , New Delhi-110003 .
and streamlined . The incentives are now available for
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 22