SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 209

Sunil Vachani CMD | Dixon Technologies

Dixon : Heralding the flag of

Indian Electronics Manufacturing

Dixon Technologies is the largest Electronics Manufacturing Services provider focused on delivering high quality , Cost Effective end to end solutions for lighting , consumer electronics and home appliances for
India and International markets , truly epitomizing the front runner ' Make in India ' company .
Dixon has grown in a very short period of time . Starting with a turnover of only 3 crore , today the company has a turnover of around Rs . 1500 crore , which is aimed at about Rs . 2500 crore by this year end . This is happening only because a lot of the companies had undertaken immense interest in the Indian markets and thereby interested to source for the local market in India . Dixon is one of the largest manufacturers of mobile phones in the country now . Dixon has recently set up plant in Noida with the capacity of one million mobile phones . The company has further plans for expansion in the next few months with the capacity of 1.5 million mobile phones
New technological trends and innovations connected to EMS in lighting :
Dixon keeps on investing and enhancing the capacity in getting the latest equipments to make sure that they are the best in the world .
LED business :
Dixon is manufacturing almost 3 million
LED bulbs per month , which is the largest production in the country . The spurt growth resulted from the demand of LEDs due to government tenders .
Trend towards Miniaturization and technology up gradation :
In mobile phones there is a huge miniaturization happening and due to that Dixon invested heavily in the latest generation SMT machines and infrastructures that ensure manufacturing the parts across the products gallery and keep the company ahead of the technology run . Dixon has almost eleven SMT lines which is probably the largest capacity compared to any other manufacturers .
which will indeed make Dixon the largest manufacturers
Investments :
As manufacture Dixon keep continual
in India . Other area of growth is medical devices and auto
investment on the equipments as technology is changing
electronics . Defense is one sector in which there is huge
very fast . In case of television , the technology evolved
production .
from CRT to plasma to LCD to LED and the latest OLEDs .
Dixion , under Sunil Vachani , Chairman & Managing
Hence huge investment has been made in terms of the
Director , is truly a pride of India in EMS sector and a
display technologies .
torchbearer of Make in India program . Mr . Vachani is one of the leading and most respected Industrialists in the country today . As a young entrepreneur , he was included in list of ' TOP 100 PEOPLE ' influencing the electronics manufacturing services ( EMS ) industry . “ I constantly tell my team that we never set a target in terms of numbers .
Our target is in terms of customer service . Any company that thinks about sourcing in India , the first company that should come to their mind - should be Dixon ,” said
Vachani . Vachani , his dreams about the company and
India as a manufacturing hub has different hues :
India Vs China as the low-cost EMS manufacturer :
India ’ s labor cost is lower than China . For uninterrupted power supply , India ’ s power cost is lesser than China . Chinese manufacturers in the east coast pay something around 1 to 1.5 RMB which is almost 11 rupees in India . In terms of productivity now India is at par with China . So the only issue or puzzle to be solved now is creating a component ecosystem which is not there right now . India imports a lot of components and once that changes favorably , India will become global hub for manufacturers of all these products . Some of the states offer plug and play facility
Dixon is the largest Indian EMS , ODM Company and is a
wherein the new entrepreneur can go and get a pre
complete end to end solutions provider across the
constructed shade . Besides the low labor cost , the
product line in the segment of consumer electronics ,
biggest advantage India has is R & D , innovation and
home appliances , lighting and mobile phones . The end to
design led manufacturing .
end solutions includes design of the product , sourcing of the components , materials , involve SMT , auto insertion , manual insertion of components , the final SMP , box building as well as logistics and reverse logistics . Dixon is one of the few companies which is known for huge backward integration into plastic injection molding , sheet metal and manufacturing of the LED TV .
Government Initiatives :
Manufacturing in India will increase due to the government policies . Duty structure , tax holydays , incentives , ease of doing business , single window clearance , plug and play facilities and finances are a few policy changes that will boost manufacturing in
India . Saving the turnaround time in import encourage manufacture locally .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 209