SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 20

and products in ESDM sector .
a .
To facilitate IP development and acquisition by
4 . Developing and mandating standards
industry , academic and R & D institutions .
4.1 .
To curb inflow of sub-standard and unsafe electronic
b .
To set up a “ Fund of Funds " to create need based
products by mandating technical and safety standards
“ Daughter Funds " for various innovation and
which conform to international standard .
manufacturing stages . All Funds to be
a .
To develop Indian standards to meet specific Indian
professionally managed .
conditions including climatic , power supply and
c .
To give special thrust to innovation and R & D for
handling conditions etc ., by suitably reviewing
Inclusive Products , Green Technologies ,
existing standards .
Convergence and Broadband Technologies .
b .
To mandate technical standards in the interest of
d .
To promote entrepreneurship in ESDM sector in
public health and safety
active collaboration with Industry , Industry
c .
Set up an institutional mechanism within
Associations and Academia
Department of Information Technology for
e .
by ensuring availability of Angel Funds and Venture
mandating compliance to standards for electronics
Capital Funds .
products .
f .
To set up Incubation Centers in the country for VLSI
d .
To develop a National Policy Framework for
and other ESDM related sectors in association with
enforcement and use of Standards and Quality
Software Technology Parks of India ( STPI )
Management Processes .
/ Academic Institutions / Industry .
e .
Strengthening the lab infrastructure for testing of
g .
To design and develop India Microprocessor for
electronic products and encouraging development
diverse specific / strategic applications .
of conformity assessment infrastructure by private
h .
To provide for effective IP protection strategy
participation .
especially semiconductor IP protection
f .
Creating awareness amongst consumers against
8 . Electronics in Other Sectors
sub-standard and spurious electronic products .
Automotive Electronics : To develop a Centre of Excellence
g .
To build capacity within the Government and public
for the development of Micro controller Units ( MCUs ),
sector for developing and mandating standards .
Micro-electro mechanical systems ( MEMS ) and other
h .
To actively participate in the international
advanced electronic devices to enable India to
development of standards in the ESDM sector .
consolidate India ' s position as one of the global auto
5 . Cyber security
hubs .
To create a complete secure cyber eco-system in the country , careful and due attention is required for creation of well defined technology and systems , use of appropriate technology and more importantly development of appropriate products & solutions . The
Avionics : To support the growth of aviation industry by facilitating the development of research and development and outsourcing of engineering design and related software for avionics and Maintenance ,
Repair and Overhauling of avionics in the country .
priorities for action will be suitable design and
LED : To encourage the usage of LED lighting solutions
development of indigenous appropriate products
especially in rural markets through innovative products
through frontier technology / product oriented research ,
like solar LED lamps , public places like street lighting ,
testing & validation of security of products meeting the
traffic lights etc . to promote the manufacture of LED
protection profile requirements needed to secure the
and LED lights .
ICT infrastructure and cyber space of the country .
Industrial Electronics : To develop a Centre of Excellence
6 . Strategic Electronics
for innovation in Industrial Electronics with focus on
To promote manufacturing capacities for sourcing
ESDM in strategic and core infrastructure sectors -
Defence , Atomic Energy , Space , Railways , Power ,
Telecommunications , etc . a .
To create long-term partnerships between domestic
ESDM industry with strategic sectors for sourcing electronic products domestically . b .
Defence offset obligations for electronic procurement to be met through ESDM products .
7 . Creating eco-system for vibrant innovation and R & D in ESDM sector including nanoelectronics
making affordable standardized products which help
India to maintain its growth in industrial segments in which it has core competence , including textiles , food processing , steel , engineering and electrical gods like motors , compressors , inverters , etc .
Medical Electronics : To consolidate the design and development of affordable medical electronic device industry and to develop downstream manufacturing activities through sector specific cluster .
Solar Photovoltaic : To build manufacturing capacity of solar photo-voltaics to support the generation of 20
GW of solar power by 2020 .
To create an Electronic Development Fund to promote
Innovation and IP and R & D , commercialization of products , etc . in the ESDM , nanoelectronics and IT sectors , including mobile applications by providing appropriate funding incentives to Industry / Academic /
R & D institutions .
Information and Broadcasting : To create an eco-system for manufacture of set-top boxes and other broadcast equipment in the country as part of the digitalization of the broadcast network of the country .
Telecommunications : To support the development of manufacturing capacities within the country by
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 20