SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 188

Embedded Systems Opportunity : Powering Indian IT up the Value Chain
The report indicates that while the current Embedded
and pervasive and touching virtually all aspects of daily life .
Software market size is relatively small , there is a huge
From mobile telephones to automobiles , and Industrial
opportunity that remains untapped in this segment . It also
equipment to high end medical devices , embedded
highlights some of the challenges that the industry needs
systems now form part of a wide range of devices .
to overcome in order to effectively address this opportunity .
Embedded software now sits at the intersection of
As the industry continues to look at new areas of interest
technology and the automotive , telecommunication ,
where there is high propensity to innovate , embedded
aerospace , energy , high technology , and the broader
systems has emerged as a significant growth opportunity .
Industrial manufacturing sectors .
Embedded Systems are now becoming more ubiquitous
Embedded Systems – Prospects & Future in India
The digital revolution now has reached to a stage where we
already owns at least one piece of equipment , which
cannot conduct our normal modern daily lives without this
contains a processor ; whether it is a phone , a television , an
technology . Indeed , it is reasonable to say that everyone
automatic washing machine , an MP3 player , microwave
already owns at least one piece of equipment , which
oven or anything such .
contains a processor or microcontroller in it . If embedded
The colossal growth of processing and controlling power in
systems are to become a serious discipline to contribute in
small packages has fuelled this digital revolution by boon
progression of the Indian economy and global demand in
of embedded systems .
general , it is imperative that our proven expertise in IT software should play a crucial role in developing talent with the required skills .
Embedded systems are basically computer based control systems designed to perform specifically dedicated functions within a set of larger system . These are fixed or
The digital revolution now has reached to a stage where we
embedded as a part of the complete bigger system , hence
cannot conduct our normal modern daily lives without this
the name – Embedded Systems .
technology . Indeed , it is reasonable to say that everyone
Early Developments & Now
Development of embedded systems began in early 1960s
Today these systems span across many aspects of our daily
and since then it has grown exponentially in terms of
life , ranging from consumer electronics devices to medical
power as well as functionality . Due to large scale
equipments , telecom instruments , automobiles and many
proliferation of integrated chips and other related parts ,
others . Embedded systems have been touching and
costs of such systems have also come down drastically .
changing modern lives like never before .
Current Trends in India
Embedded system development in India started around
provide high level software designs and board level designs
early 2000 . The market reached approximately $ 5 billion by
in a few cases . Not much work is carried out in terms of
2009 and now has reached triple in size by . According to
application design engineering , hardware design and
recently released NASSCOM report , the total addressable
innovation towards customized product development . This
embedded system R & D global opportunity is expected to
lack of domain expertise in industry is basic impediment for
reach approx . $ 89 billion by 2015 where India alone could
future growth . Leveraging and growing in these areas can
contribute approx . $ 15 billion in size . This means that
help Indian industry to have significant improvement in
Indian technology firms and engineering designers will
embedded systems space and a few companies already
have to drive actual product innovation and move towards
have started working towards this goal .
product ownership . Presently many Indian companies
Two core parts of any embedded systems are its hardware
This means software or firmware is now a key differentiator ;
and firmware or software inside the core processing unit .
since any new feature or specification can be easily tackled
However , many hardware platforms have reached their
or added using software changes .
configuration potential and are saturated in terms of
Clearly , now the software has to play critical role of
adding new things that cannot be added using firmware .
differentiation , innovation and future enhancements in
Additionally at the advent of open source hardware
embedded systems . The ratio of contribution by firmware
platforms and quick prototyping and building blocks of
and hardware , which was 30-70 ( 30 % firmware & 70 %
hardware systems not much differentiation can be made by
hardware ) earlier has now become almost 50-50 and is
just the hardware system .
expected to grow further as hardware reaches its
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 188