SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 18

1 . Creating eco-system for globally competitive ESDM sector ESDM sector .
1.1 .
To provide attractive fiscal incentives across the value
To facilitate sourcing , stockpiling and indigenous
chain of the ESDM sector through a Modified Special
mining / exploration of Rare Earth metals required for
Incentive Package Scheme ( M-SIPS ) to eliminate the
manufacture of electronic components and devices .
disability costs in manufacturing on account of
Promotion of Exports
infrastructure gaps relating to power , transportation etc . and to mitigate the relatively high cost of finance etc .
To focus on exports to generate volumes and economies of scale by providing requisite incentives and by streamlining procedures and logistics to
To facilitate setting up of Semiconductor Wafer Fab
facilitate import of components / sub-systems and
facilities and its eco-system for design and fabrication
export of products .
of chips and chip components .
a .
To extend special focus under the Focus Products
To provide preference to domestically manufactured
Scheme to an expanded list of items under the
electronic products , in procurement of those electronic
ESDM sector including Electronics Manufacturing
products which have security implications for the
Services industry .
country and in Government procurement for its own use , consistent with our World Trade Organization
( WTO ) commitments .
b .
DTA sales of ITA-1 / zero duty electronics products to be treated as physical exports and extended all the benefit of export schemes .
To provide incentives for setting up of over 200
Electronic Manufacturing Clusters ( EMCs ) with world class logistics and infrastructure and easy to do business facilities . a .
To provide assistance to setting up of “ Greenfield
EMCs " and upgradation of “ Brownfield EMCs ”
c . d .
Create incentives for relocation to India of electronic hardware manufacturing units facing cost pressures in developed countries .
To globally market and showcase chip design , product design and embedded software industry capabilities .
b .
EMCs to use Information Technology Investment
Region ( ITIR ) infrastructure wherever available .
e .
To promote export of electronics products to all countries , including emerging regions like Africa ,
c .
The benefits of National Manufacturing Policy and
South America , and Asia , among others , by entering
National Investment and Manufacturing Zones
into suitable bilateral / multilateral agreements .
( NIMZs ) to be available for EMCs .
3 . Human Resource Development
d .
To support development of appropriate infrastructure to support the EMCs including development of logistics hub , port-to factory linkages , roads and highways etc .
To work closely with Private Sector , Universities and other Institutions of learning and to design programmes to ensure that adequate trained and skilled manpower is available to the industry .
To rationalize and establish an industry-friendly stable tax regime ( both at the Central and State level ) conducive to attract global investments and to encourage electronics sector through appropriate fiscal incentives and taxation mechanisms .
a .
To facilitate enhancement of the number of graduates and other skilled manpower , especially women , by suitably increasing capacities in colleges / ITIs and Polytechnics through public and private sector investment .
a .
To provide for a 10 year stable tax regime for ESDM sector .
b .
To support creation of capacities within academic institutions to enhance the production of adequate
b .
To create an Inter-ministerial Working Group to
number of PhDs and postgraduates for supporting
clarify technical issues relating to electronic
the growth of chip design and embedded software
products .
and board / hardware design industry in the country .
c .
To declare , in consultation with the Empowered
c .
To encourage setting up of skill-oriented courses
Committee of the State Finance Ministers , mobile
and training programmes for electronic design
phones specifically and other electronics products
along with hands-on laboratories enabling
for data communication as goods of special
graduates from other disciplines to migrate to
importance under the Central Sales Tax Act .
d .
Technology transfer , R & D and IPR creation will be
d .
Creation of a specialized Institute for semiconductor
incentivized through friendly tax regime .
design .
To aggressively market India as an investment
e .
Extending Special Manpower Development
destination for ESDM among leading Nation and
Programme for Very Large Scale Integration ( VLSI )
Companies .
chip design to include larger number of colleges
The loans for procuring computers and related
and students leveraging the National Knowledge
peripherals including software , and mobile phones with
Network .
or without internet by individuals and small businesses
f .
To create an institutional mechanism for the faculty
to be included in priority sector lending .
development in various ESDM related subjects .
To facilitate vendor and dealer network development to
g .
To collaborate with national and international
support ESDM industry .
institutions for development of new skills and
To facilitate Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) in the
courseware on latest manufacturing technologies
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 18