SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 172

India is the world ' s largest sourcing destination for the
The IT industry has also created significant demand in the
information technology ( IT ) industry , accounting for
Indian education sector , especially for engineering and
approximately 67 per cent of the US $ 124-130 billion
computer science . The Indian IT and ITeS industry is
market . The industry employs about 10 million workforces .
divided into four major segments – IT services , Business
More importantly , the industry has led the economic
Process Management ( BPM ), software products and
transformation of the country and altered the perception of
engineering services , and hardware .
India in the global economy . India ' s cost competitiveness
The IT-BPM sector which is currently valued at US $ 143
in providing IT services , which is approximately 3-4 times
billion is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth
cheaper than the US , continues to be the mainstay of its
Rate ( CAGR ) of 8.3 per cent year-on-year to US $ 143
Unique Selling Proposition ( USP ) in the global sourcing
billion for 2015-16 . The sector is expected to contribute
market . However , India is also gaining prominence in
9.5 per cent of India ’ s Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) and
terms of intellectual capital with several global IT firms
more than 45 per cent in total services export in 2015-16 .
setting up their innovation centres in India .
Market Size
The Indian IT sector is expected to grow at a rate of 12-14
Association of India ( IAMAI ). India ’ s internet user base
per cent for FY2016 in constant currency terms . The sector
reached over 350 million by June 2015 , the third largest in
is also expected triple its current annual revenue to reach
the world , while the number of social media users grew to
US $ 350 billion by FY 2025 , as per National Association of
143 million by April 2015 and smartphones grew to 160
Software and Services Companies ( NASSCOM ).
million .
India , the fourth largest base for new businesses in the
Public cloud services revenue in India is expected to reach
world and home to over 3,100 tech start-ups , is set to
US $ 838 million in 2015 , growing by 33 per cent year-onincrease
its base to 11,500 tech start-ups by 2020 , as per
year ( y-o-y ), as per a report by Gartner Inc . In yet another
a report by NASSCOM and Zinnov Management
Gartner report , the public cloud market alone in the
Consulting Pvt Ltd .
country was estimated to treble to US $ 1.9 billion by 2018
India ’ s internet economy is expected to touch Rs 10 trillion
from US $ 638 million in 2014 . Increased penetration of
( US $ 146.72 billion ) by 2018 , accounting for 5 per cent of
internet ( including in rural areas ) and rapid emergence of
the country ’ s GDP , according to a report by the Boston
e-commerce are the main drivers for continued growth of
Consulting Group ( BCG ) and Internet and Mobile
data centre co-location and hosting market in India .
Indian IT ' s core competencies and strengths have
times the investment made last year . VC funding to the IT
attracted significant investments from major countries . The
& ITes sector amounted to 55 per cent of total VC funding
computer software and hardware sector in India attracted
made this year .
cumulative Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) inflows worth
Most large technology companies looking to expand have
US $ 20.42 billion between April 2000 and December 2015 ,
so far focused primarily on bigger enterprises , but a report
according to data released by the Department of Industrial
from market research firm Zinnov highlighted that the
Policy and Promotion ( DIPP ).
small and medium businesses will present a lucrative
Indian start-ups are expected to receive funding worth
opportunity worth US $ 11.6 billion in 2015 , which is
US $ 5 billion by the end of 2015 , a 125 per cent increase
expected to grow to US $ 25.8 billion in 2020 . Moreover ,
in a year , according to a report by IT Industry association
India has nearly 51 million such businesses of which 12
million have a high degree of technology influence and are
The Private Equity ( PE ) deals increased the number of
looking to adopt newer IT products , as per the report .
Mergers and Acquisitions ( M & A ) especially in the e-
Some of the major developments in the Indian IT and ITeS
commerce space in 2014 . The IT space , including e-
sector are as follows :
commerce , witnessed 240 deals worth US $ 3.8 billion in
PurpleTalk Inc , a US based mobile solutions company ,
2014 , as per data from Dealogic .
has invested US $ 1 million in Nukkad Shops , a
India also saw a ten-fold increase in the venture funding
Hyderabad based uber-local commerce platform that
that went into internet companies in 2014 as compared to
helps neighbourhood retail stores take their
2013 . More than 800 internet start-ups got funding in
businesses online through a mobile app .
2014 as compared to 200 in 2012 , said Rajan Anandan ,
KartRocket , a Delhi based e-commerce enabler has
Managing Director , Google India Pvt Ltd and Chairman ,
completed its US $ 8 million funding round by raising
US $ 2 million from a Japanese investor , which will be
About 554 start-ups received funding this year compared
used to enhance Kraftly , a mobile-first online-toto
342 during last year . Seed and venture capital funds
offline marketplace targeting small sellers , individuals
made investments worth US $ 3.4 billion this year , three
and home-based entrepreneurs in India in product
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 172