India into a premier ESDM Hub
I. Vision:
To create a globally competitive electronics design and manufacturing industry to meet the country ' s needs and serve the international market.
II. Mission:
• To promote indigenous manufacturing in the entire valuechain of ESDM for economic development.
• To develop capacities for manufacture of strategic electronics within the country.
• To promote a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem of Research and Development ( R & D ), design and engineering and innovation to enhance manufacturing capabilities in electronic raw materials, components, sub assemblies as well as products.
• To develop high-quality electronic products at affordable prices for inclusive adoption and deployment to improve productivity, efficiency and ease of operations in other sectors.
• To promote environmentally friendly global best practices in the use and disposal of electronic products.
III. Objectives:
• To create an eco-system for a globally competitive ESDM sector in the country to achieve a turnover of about USD 400 Billion by 2020 involving investment of about USD 100 Billion and employment to around 28 Million people at various levels.
• To build on the emerging chip design and embedded software industry to achieve global leadership in VLSI, chip design and other frontier technical areas and to achieve turnover of USD 55 Billion by 2020.
• To build a strong supply chain of raw materials, parts and electronic components to raise the indigenous availability of these inputs from the present 20 – 25 % to over 60 % by 2020.
• To increase the export in ESDM sector from USD 5.5 Billion to USD 80 Billion by 2020.
• To significantly enhance availability of skilled manpower in the ESDM sector. Special focus for augmenting post graduate education and to produce about 2500 PhDs annually by 2020.
• To create an institutional mechanism for developing and mandating standards and certification for electronic products and services to strengthen Quality Assessment infrastructure nationwide.
• To develop an appropriate security ecosystem in ESDM for its strategic use.
• To create long-term partnerships between ESDM and strategic and core infrastructure sectors - Defence, Atomic Energy, Space, Railways, Power, Telecommunications, etc.
• To become a global leader in creating Intellectual Property ( IP ) in the ESDM sector by increasing fund flow for R & D, seed capital and venture capital for start-ups in the ESDM and nanoelectronics sectors.
• To develop core competencies in strategic and core infrastructure sectors like Telecommunications, Automotive, Avionics, Industrial, Medical, Solar, Information and Broadcasting, Railways, Intelligent Transport Systems etc through use of ESDM in these sectors.
• To use technology to develop electronic products catering to domestic needs, including rural needs and conditions, as well as international needs at affordable price points.
• To become a global leader in the EMS segment by promoting progressive higher value addition in manufacturing and product development.
• To expedite adoption of best practices in e-waste management.
• To create specialized governance structures within Government to cater to specific needs of the ESDM sector including high velocity of technological and business model changes.
• To facilitate cost effective loans for setting up ESDM units in identified areas.
• To source, stockpile and promote indigenous exploration and mining of Rare Earth metals required for manufacture of electronic components.
IV. Strategies
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 16