SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 16

India into a premier ESDM Hub
I . Vision :
To create a globally competitive electronics design and manufacturing industry to meet the country ' s needs and serve the international market .
II . Mission :
• To promote indigenous manufacturing in the entire valuechain of ESDM for economic development .
• To develop capacities for manufacture of strategic electronics within the country .
• To promote a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem of Research and Development ( R & D ), design and engineering and innovation to enhance manufacturing capabilities in electronic raw materials , components , sub assemblies as well as products .
• To develop high-quality electronic products at affordable prices for inclusive adoption and deployment to improve productivity , efficiency and ease of operations in other sectors .
• To promote environmentally friendly global best practices in the use and disposal of electronic products .
III . Objectives :
• To create an eco-system for a globally competitive ESDM sector in the country to achieve a turnover of about USD 400 Billion by 2020 involving investment of about USD 100 Billion and employment to around 28 Million people at various levels .
• To build on the emerging chip design and embedded software industry to achieve global leadership in VLSI , chip design and other frontier technical areas and to achieve turnover of USD 55 Billion by 2020 .
• To build a strong supply chain of raw materials , parts and electronic components to raise the indigenous availability of these inputs from the present 20 – 25 % to over 60 % by 2020 .
• To increase the export in ESDM sector from USD 5.5 Billion to USD 80 Billion by 2020 .
• To significantly enhance availability of skilled manpower in the ESDM sector . Special focus for augmenting post graduate education and to produce about 2500 PhDs annually by 2020 .
• To create an institutional mechanism for developing and mandating standards and certification for electronic products and services to strengthen Quality Assessment infrastructure nationwide .
• To develop an appropriate security ecosystem in ESDM for its strategic use .
• To create long-term partnerships between ESDM and strategic and core infrastructure sectors - Defence , Atomic Energy , Space , Railways , Power , Telecommunications , etc .
• To become a global leader in creating Intellectual Property ( IP ) in the ESDM sector by increasing fund flow for R & D , seed capital and venture capital for start-ups in the ESDM and nanoelectronics sectors .
• To develop core competencies in strategic and core infrastructure sectors like Telecommunications , Automotive , Avionics , Industrial , Medical , Solar , Information and Broadcasting , Railways , Intelligent Transport Systems etc through use of ESDM in these sectors .
• To use technology to develop electronic products catering to domestic needs , including rural needs and conditions , as well as international needs at affordable price points .
• To become a global leader in the EMS segment by promoting progressive higher value addition in manufacturing and product development .
• To expedite adoption of best practices in e-waste management .
• To create specialized governance structures within Government to cater to specific needs of the ESDM sector including high velocity of technological and business model changes .
• To facilitate cost effective loans for setting up ESDM units in identified areas .
• To source , stockpile and promote indigenous exploration and mining of Rare Earth metals required for manufacture of electronic components .
IV . Strategies
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 16