SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 156

Government Initiatives
ŸThe Government of India has identified power sector as
1,000-MW solar power park under public-private
a key sector of focus so as to promote sustained
partnership ( PPP ) mode involving an investment of
industrial growth . Some initiatives by the Government of
about Rs 6,500 crore ( US $ 1 billion ).
India to boost the Indian power sector
The Government of Telangana plans to set up an incubator centre , in collaboration with University of
The Union Cabinet has approved the Ujwal DISCOM
Austin , Texas , for start-ups in the renewable energy
Assurance Yojna ( UDAY ) for financial turnaround and
sector , to support new companies entering the
revival of power distribution companies ( DISCOMs ),
renewable energy market .
which will ensure accessible , affordable and available
A Joint Indo-US PACE Setter Fund has been
power for all .
established , with a contribution of US $ 4 million from
The Government of India has resolved the issues
each side to enhance clean energy cooperation .
regarding transfer of mining leases and grant of forest
The Government of India announced a massive
clearances to the winning bidders of coal blocks . It
renewable power production target of 175,000 MW by
expects operations to start in about 10 more mines by
2022 ; this comprises generation of 100,000 MW from
March 2016 , easing coal availability to the projects
solar power , 60,000 MW from wind energy , 10,000
attached to these mines .
MW from biomass , and 5,000 MW from small hydro
The Ministry of Power has planned to provide
power projects .
electricity to 18,500 villages in three years under the
The Union Cabinet of India approved 15,000 MW of
Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana ( DUGJY ).
grid-connected solar power projects of National
Out of these , 3,500 villages would receive electricity
Thermal Power Corp Ltd ( NTPC ).
through off-grid or renewable energy solutions .
The Indian Railways signed a bilateral power
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is
procurement agreement with the Damodar Valley
implementing two national level programmes , namely
Corporation ( DVC ). The agreement was signed
Grid Connected Rooftop and Small Solar Power
between North Central Railway and DVC . This is the
Plants Programme and Off-Grid and Decentralised
first time the Railways will directly buy power from a
Solar Applications , in order to promote installation of
supplier .
solar rooftop systems , as per Piyush Goyal , Minister of
State for Power , Coal and New and Renewable
Energy .
US Federal Agencies committed a total of US $ 4 billion for projects and equipment sourcing , one of the biggest deals for the growing renewable energy
The Government of Odisha plans to set up a large
sector in India .
The Road Ahead
The Indian power sector has an investment potential of
initiatives like 10-year tax exemption for solar energy
Rs 15 trillion ( US $ 237 billion ) in the next 4 – 5 years ,
projects , etc ., in order to achieve India ' s ambitious
thereby providing immense opportunities in power
renewable energy targets of adding 175 GigaWatts ( GW )
generation , distribution , transmission , and equipment .
of renewable energy , including addition of 100 GW of
The government ’ s immediate goal is to generate two
solar power , by the year 2022 . The cumulative installed
trillion units ( kilowatt hours ) of energy by 2019 . This
capacity of solar power in India has crossed the 4
means doubling the current production capacity to
Gigawatt mark as of June 30 , 2015 . The government has
provide 24x7 electricity for residential , industrial ,
also sought to restart the stalled hydro power projects
commercial and agriculture use .
and increase the wind energy production target to 60 GW
The Government of India is taking a number of steps and
by 2022 from the current 20 GW .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 156