SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 154

Power generation has grown rapidly
Ÿ Electricity production in India stood at 1,048.7 BU in FY15 , a 8.4 per cent growth over the previous fiscal .
Over FY10 – 15 , electricity production expanded at a CAGR of 6.3 per cent .
Electricity production in India reached 654.5 BU during April -October 2015 .
According to the Planning Commission ' s 12th Five Year Plan , total domestic energy production would reach 669.6 million tonnes of oil equivalent ( MTOE ) by 2016 – 17 and 844 MTOE by 2021 – 22 .
Electricity Production in India ( BU )
771.6 811.1
CAGR : 6.3 % 876.9 912.1
FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 *
Source : BP Statistical Review , Ministry of Power , TechSci Research ; Notes : FY - Indian Financial Year ( April-March ), BU - Billion Unit , CAGR- Compound Annuel Growth Rate , * Provisional * - Date is for April-October 2015 .
Thermal power continues to lead in total installed capacity
As on October 2015 , total thermal installed capacity stood at 195.6 GW , while hydro and renewable energy installed capacity totalled 42.5 GW and 36.5 GW , respectively . At 5.8 GW , nuclear energy capacity had increased considerably which otherwise remained the same from 2010 – 15 .
For the 12th Five-Year Plan , a total of 88.5 GW of power capacity addition is targeted ; of which , 72.3 GW constitutes thermal power , 10.8GW hydro power and 5.3 GW nuclear power .
Installed Capacity for different sources of power - 2016 * ( GW ) 195.6
42.5 36.5
Source : Ministry of Coal , NHPC , Central Electricity Authority ( CEA ), Corporate Catalyst India , Tech Sci Research Notes : MW - Magawatt , GW - Gigawatt * - Data is for April - October 2015
5.8 Thermal Hydro Renewables Nuclear
India has the fifth largest power generation capacity in the
reactors and associated components . Foreign participation
world . India ' s installed capacity stood at 272.5 gigawatts
in the development and financing of generation and
( GW ), as of FY15 . Thermal power , the largest component ,
transmission assets , engineering services , equipment
was 189.3 GW , followed by hydro 41.6 GW , renewable
supply and technology collaboration in nuclear and clean
energy 35.8 GW and nuclear 5.8 GW . India ' s total power
coal technologies is also expected to increase .
generation capacity has increased at a Compound Annual
By 2022 , the installed power capacity in India is expected to
Growth Rate ( CAGR ) of 9.4 per cent over FY09 – 15 .
reach 350 gigawatts ( GW ) from 243 GW in 2014 , on the
India is the third largest producer of electricity in the world .
back of increasing industrialisation and economic
In FY15 , India generated 1,048.7 terawatt-hours ( TWh ) of
development . The total market size of electrical machinery
electricity . Over FY10 – 15 , electricity production expanded
in India is anticipated to reach US $ 100 billion by 2022 from
at a CAGR of 6.3 per cent . As per the 12th Five Year Plan ,
US $ 24 billion in 2013 .
India is targeting a total of 88.5 GW of power capacity
The electrical machinery sector consists of generation ,
addition by 2017 , of which , 72.3 GW constitutes thermal
transmission and distribution machinery . The transmission
power , 10.8 GW hydro and 5.3 GW nuclear .
and distribution market expanded at a compound annual
Renewable energy is fast emerging as a major source of
growth rate ( CAGR ) of 6.7 per cent over FY07-13 . Boilers
power in India .
Wind energy is the largest source of
( 16 per cent ), cables ( 15 per cent ) and transmission lines
renewable energy in India . It accounts for an estimated 60
and conductors ( 12 per cent ) account for a large chunk of
per cent of total installed capacity ( 21.1GW ). There are
the revenue . The generation equipment market is expected
plans to double wind power generation capacity to 20GW
to expand at a CAGR of 12.7 per cent over FY12 – 22 .
by 2022 . India has also raised the solar power generation
The exports of electrical machinery rose to US $ 3.9 billion in
capacity addition target by five times to 100GW by 2022 .
FY14 from US $ 3.4 billion in FY12 . Boilers & parts and
The Government of India has been supportive to growth in
electrical wires and cables were the primary drivers of the
the power sector . It has de-licensed the electrical
increase in exports .
machinery industry and also allowed 100 per cent Foreign
The Government of India has de-licensed the electrical
Direct Investment ( FDI ) in the sector . Total FDI inflows in the
machinery industry and has allowed 100 per cent foreign
power sector touched US $ 9.7 billion during the period
direct investment ( FDI ) in the sector . It plans to set up the
April 2000 to May 2015 .
Electrical Equipment Skill Development Council ( EESDC )
With many bilateral nuclear agreements in place , India is
which would focus on identifying critical manufacturing
expected to become a major hub for manufacturing nuclear
skills required for the electrical machinery industry .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 154