SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 130


FDI in India : V-shaped recovery

A two-year decline in FDI projects and inflows to India reversed in 2014 . Though still far below the 2011 peak , the number of FDI projects rose 37 % in 2014 , with a proportional increase in jobs created by FDI . Investor confidence in India has been strengthened by improving economic growth and investor-friendly moves by the new Government . In 2014 , the average project involved an investment of US $ 37m , compared with US $ 40m in 2012 and US $ 53m in 2010 . Investors are positive but wary and keen to see real improvements in the business environment . The uptick in FDI projects into India contrasts with a 3 % slide in the number of FDI projects worldwide , while it outpaced the 17 % rise across the Asia-Pacific region .
Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 130