SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 122

Starting a startup revolution
such an exemption . Investment in ‘ computer or computer
Startup India is a flagship initiative of the Government of India ,
software ’ ( as used in core business activity ) shall also be
intended to build a strong eco-system for nurturing innovation
considered as purchase of ‘ new assets ’ in order to promote
and Startups in the country that will drive sustainable
technology driven Startups .
economic growth and generate large scale employment
Tax Exemption to Startups for 3 years
opportunities . The Government through this initiative aims to
Innovation is the essence of every Startup . Young minds kindle
empower Startups to grow through innovation and design . In
new ideas every day to think beyond conventional strategies of
order to meet the objectives of the initiative , Government of
the existing corporate world . During the initial years , budding
India is announcing this Action Plan that addresses all aspects
entrepreneurs struggle to evaluate the feasibility of their
of the Startup ecosystem . With this Action Plan the
business idea . Significant capital investment is made in
Government hopes to accelerate spreading of the Startup
embracing ever-changing technology , fighting rising
movement :
competition and navigating through the unique challenges
• From digital / technology sector to a wide array of sectors
arising from their venture . Also , there are limited alternative
including agriculture , manufacturing , social sector ,
sources of finance available to the small and growing
healthcare , education , etc .;
entrepreneurs , leading to constrained cash funds . With a view
• From existing tier 1 cities to tier 2 and tier 3 cities including
to stimulate the development of Startups in India and provide
semi-urban and rural areas . The Action Plan is divided
them a competitive platform , it is imperative that the profits of
across the following areas :
Startup initiatives are exempted from income-tax for a period
• Simplification and Handholding
of 3 years . This fiscal exemption shall facilitate growth of
• Funding Support and Incentives
business and meet the working capital requirements during the
• Industry-Academia Partnership and Incubation
initial years of operations . The exemption shall be available
Proposed Schemes and Incentives
subject to non-distribution of dividend by the Startup .
Providing Funding Support through a Fund of Funds with a
Tax Exemption on Investments above Fair Market Value
Corpus of INR 10,000 crore .
Under The Income Tax Act , 1961 , where a Startup ( company )
One of key challenges faced by Startups in India has been
receives any consideration for issue of shares which exceeds
access to finance . Often Startups , due to lack of collaterals or
the Fair Market Value ( FMV ) of such shares , such excess
existing cash flows , fail to justify the loans . Besides , the high
consideration is taxable in the hands of recipient as Income
risk nature of Startups wherein a significant percentage fail to
from Other Sources . In the context of Startups , where the idea
take-off , hampers their investment attractiveness . In order to
is at a conceptualization or development stage , it is often
provide funding support to Startups , Government will set up a
difficult to determine the FMV of such shares . In majority of the
fund with an initial corpus of INR 2,500 crore and a total
cases , FMV is also significantly lower than the value at which
corpus of INR 10,000 crore over a period 4 years ( i . e . INR 2,500
the capital investment is made . This results into the tax being
crore per year ) . The Fund will be in the nature of Fund of
levied under section 56 ( 2 ) ( viib ). Currently , investment by
Funds , which means that it will not invest directly into
venture capital funds in Startups is exempted from operations
Startups , but shall participate in the capital of SEBI registered
of this provision . The same shall be extended to investment
Venture Funds .
made by incubators in the Startups .
Credit Guarantee Fund for Startups
Launching of Innovation Focused Programs for Students
In order to overcome traditional Indian stigma associated with
In order to promote research and innovation among young
failure of Startup enterprises in general and to encourage
students , the Government shall implement the following
experimentation among Startup entrepreneurs through
measures :
disruptive business models , credit guarantee comfort would
• Innovation Core : Innovation Core program shall be initiated
help flow of Venture Debt from the formal Banking System .
to target school kids with an outreach to 10 lakh innovations
Debt funding to Startups is also perceived as high risk area and
from 5 lakh schools . One lakh innovations would be targeted
to encourage Banks and other Lenders to provide Venture
and the top 10,000 innovations would be provided prototyping
Debts to Startups , Credit guarantee mechanism through
support . Of these 10,000 innovations , the best 100 would be
National Credit Guarantee Trust Company ( NCGTC )/ SIDBI is
shortlisted and showcased at the Annual Festival of
being envisaged with a budgetary Corpus of INR 500 crore per
Innovations in the Rashtrapati Bhavan .
year for the next four years .
• NIDHI : A Grand Challenge program (“ National Initiative for
Tax Exemption on Capital Gains
Due to their high risk nature , Startups are not able to attract
Developing and Harnessing Innovations ) shall be instituted through Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development
investment in their initial stage . It is therefore important that
Centres ( IEDCs ) to support and award INR 10 lakhs to 20
suitable incentives are provided to investors for investing in the
student innovations from IEDCs .
Startup ecosystem . With this objective , exemption shall be
• Uchhattar Avishkar Yojana : A joint MHRD-DST scheme which
given to persons who have capital gains during the year , if they
has earmarked INR 250 crore per annum towards fostering
have invested such capital gains in the Fund of Funds
“ very high quality ” research amongst IIT students . The funding
recognized by the Government . This will augment the funds
towards this research will be 50 % contribution from MHRD ,
available to various VCs / AIFs for investment in Startups . In
25 % from DST and 25 % from industry . This format has been
addition , existing capital gain tax exemption for investment in
devised to ensure that the research and funding gets utilized
newly formed manufacturing MSMEs by individuals shall be
bearing in mind its relevance to the industry . Each project may
extended to all Startups . Currently , such an entity needs to
amount to INR 5 crore only . This scheme will initially apply to
purchase “ new assests ” with the capital gain received to avail
IITs only .
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