SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 12

Spotlight On Indian electr nics


National Policy on electronics

NPE for Electronics System Design & Manufacturing ( ESDM sector of India )
ndia is one of the fastest growing markets for electronics . The demand is projected to reach USD 400 Billion by 2020 . Government of India ( GoI ) has launched the National Policy on Electronics

I2012 ( NPE 12 ) with the vision to make India a globally competitive destination for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing ( ESDM ). Besides , India has large young talent , low wage costs and Government of India . The National Telecom Policy 2012 ( NTP , 2012 ) works in conjunction with NPE , 2012 and provides for creating a design and manufacturing ecosystem for telecom equipment .

Spotlight on Indian Electronics 2016 | 12