SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 104

b ) Assistance for Contract / Sponsored research work
the State in partnership with the industry .
from any industrial unit / industry association to
16 . Scheme of Assistance to Micro and Small Enterprises
recognized R & D Institution / Technical College
( MSEs ) for purchasing shed and plot in mini estates
approved by AICTE will be considered at 50 % of the
developed by GIDC or by private developer and
project cost , excluding cost of land and building ,
assistance in rent to MSEs as and when notified by
subject to maximum of Rs 50 lakhs .
State Industries and Mines Department , would be
11.4 . Patent Assistance
applicable to MSEs in the ESDM sector as well .
a ) Assistance at the rate of 50 % subject to a ceiling of Rs . 10 lakhs ( Rupees Ten lakhs only ) for meeting
VII . Gujarat Electronics Mission ( GEM )
Government of Gujarat will set up an Electronics Mission with
with the expenditure for obtaining domestic patents
the following broad objectives :
by 12 any Electronics unit / institution .
1 . To act as secretariat to ‘ Single Window Clearance
b ) Quantum of assistance can be enhanced to Rs . 25
Committee ’
lakhs for international patents by a Company .
2 . To identify and facilitate formation of Electronics
c ) Fees paid to patent attorney and patent service
Manufacturing Clusters ( EMC ’ s )
centre will be included d ) Maximum five patents per unit over a period of five year will be eligible .
3 . To identify the downstream ( ancillary ) industries around
FAB facility in Gujarat
11.5 . Market Development Support
4 . To attract top Design Companies in ESDM sector to
a ) Assistance to MSME units for participation in
invest in Gujarat
International Trade Fairs outside India at the rate of
50 % of expenditure towards ( i ) total rent of stall or rent of space and amount paid to organizer towards creation of stall and on rented space ( ii ) product literature / catalogue and ( iii ) display material subject to maximum Rs . 2 lakhs . The assistance
5 . To set up Incubation Centres , ESDM University , Centre of Excellence , etc .
6 . To have representative offices in each cluster for promotion and facilitation , assistance for clearance / approvals
provided will be only twice during the operative
7 . To create country-specific desks to attract ESDM
period of the scheme . The assistance would be in the way of reimbursement . MSME units shall have to apply within six months from the date of
investments from target countries .
VIII . Policy Implementation
Industries Commissionerate ( IC ) will implement this Policy in
participation for the assistance .
consultation with the Department of Science and Technology
b ) Assistance to Industry Associations for participation
till such time as the Gujarat Electronics Mission becomes
in International Trade Fair as Gujarat Pavilion
functional . Eligible units shall avail incentives either under the
outside India @ 50 % of total rent . Maximum to Rs .
Industrial Policy in force , or this Policy . The incentives shall be
10 lakhs . Minimum five industrial unit ’ s participation
claimed in such a manner so as to obviate duplication of any
is necessary to get assistance . Assistance shall be
particular benefit at the State level . The interpretation of this
in the form of reimbursement .
Policy by the Department of Science and Technology will be
c ) Viability Gap Support to Industries Associations for organizing Seminars / Exhibitions in Gujarat . Maximum of Rs . 4 lakhs for national and Rs . 8 lakhs
final .
IX . Policy Implementation Guidelines
The Department of Science and Technology will issue detailed
for international Seminar / Exhibition .
implementation guidelines in consultation with the concerned
12 . Semiconductor Fabrication has been notified as a
Department in order to achieve the goals and objectives of this
Focus Sector under the Scheme for Assistance to
Policy .
Mega / Innovative Projects as per Government Resolution of Industries and Mines Department No .
BJT-102012-92765-I dated 29-12-2009 . The incentives to this focus sector under the said Scheme , as amended and / or revised from time to time , would also be applicable to eligible units under this Policy .
X . Policy Period / Operative Period
This Policy shall come into force with effect from the date of issuance of Policy GR and shall remain in force for a period of five years or till the declaration of a new or revised Policy . Only those ESDM units which commence production during the
13 . Mega ESDM Projects : Projects generating employment of more than 500 persons and fresh investment of Rs . 250 Crores ( excluding the cost of land ) and above will be construed as Mega Projects . A special package of incentives will be offered on a case-to-case basis for Mega 13 Projects .
14 . ESDM industry will be declared as essential service under Gujarat Essential Services Maintenance ( ESMA ) Act . State Labour and Employment Department would make necessary amendments to the ESMA to include ESDM Industry in the List of Essential Services .
15 . Mega Electronics Event : A Mega Electronics Event along the lines of ‘ Vibrant Gujarat ’ shall be organized in operative period of this Policy shall be eligible for incentives .
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