SPOTLIGHT ON INDIAN ELECTRONICS Spotlight on Indian Electronics | Page 10


Towards a knowledge economy …

@ devendra1963
e are excited to inform you that The Spotlight on
Indian Electronics – 2016 aims to felicitate

Woutstanding business initiative with a focus on

For over a decade India has been the epicenter of consumer demand fuelled by a phenomenal per capita income . Demand for high technology products , specifically electronic products
providing exemplary information quality and a vision to
has registered significant growth . This creates a unique
transform India into a manufacturing polarized society and
opportunity for companies in the Electronic System Design &
knowledge economy . This new avatar of the book reflects the
Manufacturing sector to look at India as their next destination
overall vision of making India a knowledge house and
to cater to the domestic Indian demand as well as act as an
manufacturing Superpower , the focus is on the information
exports hub .
outreach , insightful stories and people engagement - for they
Addressing such a big issue the Government has initiated
deserve honoring .
several initiatives for the development of electronics sector in
Before working on a prototype for a product or opening a
the country . Sensing the stupendous task ahead New Delhi
business , you need to pore over market research reports to
Print Media contemplated bringing a comprehensive book on
figure out if there are enough potential buyers available . A
government policies and analysis of the market . One
simple calculation reveals that the demand for electronics
interesting factor which has miraculously fueled the
hardware in the country is projected to increase from USD 45
consummation of Spotlight on Indian Electronics – 2016 is the
billion in 2009 to USD400 billion by 2020 . This creates a
appreciation of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the
unique opportunity in the Electronic System Design and
subject . Marking recognition for the subject and the
Manufacturing sector to look at India as their next destination
appreciation by PMO to tread on the path of compiling the
to cater to the domestic Indian demand as well as act as an
information , confirmed us all that we are under best of
exports hub . Only scanty homework is enough to give the
leadership India has ever gone through .
confidence that there is enough potential to create a scalable
The specifics in the book help to take the informed decision on
business in the market .
investment , manufacturing and trading . The book is an
That is why the world is moving to India . The spotlight on
attempt to bring to your notice that India has vast market ,
Indian Electronics-2016 gives an in-depth study on the
improved infrastructure , a determined political will and skilled
government regulations , policies , incentives , attractiveness of
workforce .
Indian market , Indian economy in general , current budget ,
We understand that electronics sector is going through a longpriority
market study and the leading companies in India . The
awaited shift . Today , industrial sectors are controlled by
book is a mini encyclopedia on Indian electronics industry that
market demand and purchasing power of individuals . A
opens the window of information at one go .
course-correction is not only required but will paved the way
Electronics market has never looked so vibrant a decade ago
for national prosperity . So you are most welcome and invited to
as it is now . Through the past two years the transition in the
come to India to set up and Make in India . It also adds
market is complete and the rules of the business have got
dimensions to the existing business by getting a broader
metamorphosed against the lights of new rules , fast changing
bandwidth on information and knowledge .
technology , emerging markets and the bound less
Lastly , the most important , the first edition of the book is in
opportunities . India is a new land of opportunities emerged out
your hands for your suggestion and positive criticism . Hence ,
of the biggest market in the world with 1.20 bn population and
here lies the beauty of working together towards a common
a very proactive government .
goal .
Devendra Kumar Editor
New Delhi Print Media Group Publications