Spotlight Magazines Spotlight on West Bridgford Nottingham July 2015 | Page 22
Spotlight Magazine
Why Floss
You might clean your teeth religiously twice
a day and feel that you are doing all you
can to keep your gnashers looking and
feeling clean and fresh, but if you fail to
include flossing as part of your daily dental
routine, you are only doing just over half
the job.
Every tooth has five
surfaces, and brushing
only gets to three of them
(the top/bottom, back
and front). If you don’t
floss, it leaves the two
side surfaces unclean
and potentially subject to
Food and sticky bacteria, commonly known
as plaque, lodge in the space between
teeth. If left, plaque generates acid which
can cause cavities, irritate gums and
eventually lead to gum disease.
Gum disease isn’t pretty. It eats away at
gums and teeth and in advanced forms
even attacks the bones that support the
teeth and the lower third of the face.
Floss is the only thing that can get into
the space between teeth to remove these
harmful bacteria. If
done before brushing,
flossing can expose
a larger area for
the fluoride in the
toothpaste to act upon.
The best way to care
for your teeth is to
combine plaque removal through flossing
and brushing with chemical cleaning via
toothpaste and mouth wash. • 0115 822 4995 • [email protected]