Spotlight Magazines Spotlight on Sinfin & Stenson Fields Derby | Page 28

Spotlight Magazine B Bach Flower Remedies orn in 1886, Edward Bach was an English doctor, bacteriologist and pathologist, who was conducting research into vaccines when he became interested in a more holistic approach to medicine. Dissatisfied with the tendency to treat the disease rather than the whole person, he began collecting plants and in particular flowers - the most highly developed part of a plant - to find remedies. He believed that illness was the result of internal conflict, and that negative moods such as unhappiness, fear or worry, caused a lack of harmony which ultimately manifested themselves in physical disease. By correcting this emotional imbalance, illness could be treated or avoided. “Health depends on being in harmony with our souls,” he asserted. The flowers are divided into seven groups: Face Your Fears gives courage, reassurance and peace of mind to the fearful. Know Your Own Mind helps with feeling