Spotlight Magazines Spotlight on Sinfin & Stenson Fields Derby | Page 24

Spotlight Magazine W Going Batty! hen you think about bats what springs to mind? Do you imagine vampires or spooky haunted houses? Do you imagine the horror of getting one tangled in your hair? International Bat Night is held on the last weekend in August and hopes to change our perception of bats. During this annual celebration, bat events for the public will take place across the country. There will be bat walks and talks organised by bat conservation groups, wildlife trusts and park rangers at a venue near you. Bats are fascinating creatures. They make up just over a quarter of the UK’s mammal population and they are the only ones that can fly. Britain is host to eighteen native species plus occasional migrant visitors. Pipistrelles are the commonest British bats. They weigh just 5 grams (less than a £1 coin). Bat populations are under threat from predation, crime and loss of habitat so UK bats and their roosts are now protected by law. Many people who profess not to like bats cite their wings as the reason but bat wings are actually beautiful pieces of biomechanical engineering. Bat wings are constructed in a similar way to human hands, only with membrane of skin stretched between the elongated, delicate fingers. Bat bones are not hollow unlike bird bones - but they are very slender and flexible. Because their wings are much thinner than bird wings they can manoeuvre more easily at speed. They are also more vulnerable to damage but tend to heal very quickly. of high-pitched calls and lis [