Spotlight Magazines Spotlight on Sinfin & Stenson Fields Derby | Page 14

Spotlight Magazine Why Should You Make A Will? The legal formalities that surround making a will and planning for your future can often be intimidating, and it may seem like a daunting task; but it doesn’t have to be that way. With Nottingham/Derby-based J M Wills & Legal Services Ltd, the whole process can be carried out in the comfort of your own home. Owner Jan Woolley has over eighteen years’ experience in the field, and a background as a lawyer, so she has the expert knowledge to give reliable advice and assistance in this complex area – all without the jargon! “Writing a will is not necessarily straightforward” Jan explains, “but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult for the client! There are a lot of aspects to consider, but we’ll talk these through and I’ll give honest, straightforward advice.” “Everybody’s circumstances are different, and it’s my role to explain how a client’s family and loved ones could be affected in the event of their death. It’s a very sensitive area and people don’t like to talk about it, but we have to face reality. Death is inevitable, and if we plan for it we can avoid leaving loved ones in a mess.” JM Wills & Legal Services Ltd. Services provided by J M Wills& Legal Services include wills, financial planning for old age, funeral planning, trusts, power of attorney, and protection of assets. “People often have complex lives and situations, but if we talk about your wishes they can be achievable. It’s just a case of making your wishes known – then I can take care of the legal side!” Jan is friendly, down to earth, and immediately puts you at ease. She’s clearly very knowledgeable, and over the years she has encountered and made provisions for all kind of personal circumstances, so her clients can relax in the knowledge that their long-term care, finances, assets and loved ones are all catered for in the way that they wish, and that these personal decisions won’t end up in the hands of the courts. J M Wills & Legal Services are members of the ‘Trusted Trader’ scheme, and are regulated by the Society of Will Writers and Director Jan Woolley is regulated by Ilex Professional Standards. For reliable, honest legal advice call Jan on 0115 7522196, email enquiries@jmwillsandlegalservice., or visit www.jmwillsandlegalservices. So, why should YOU make a will?  To appoint guardians  To pay less tax  To arrange your funeral wishes  To simplify probate We offer a clam, easy to understand and reassuring service from the comfort of your own home where you can be assured that we always have your best interests at heart. Plan for the inevitable. Tel: Tel: email: Web: 14 0115 7522196 07954379603 [email protected] • 01332 416 121 • [email protected]