Spotlight Magazines Spotlight on Mansfield South August 2015 | Page 18
Spotlight Magazine
Hopi Ear Candling
Hopi Ear Candles are named after the
Hopi tribe; American Indians respected for
their knowledge and experience of healing
techniques and their spiritual peace loving
lifestyle. Hopi translated means ‘peaceful
Although the techniques used today
are derived from the Hopi Tribe, thermo
auricular therapy dates back centuries
when it was used by the Egyptians,
Romans and Greeks.
Hopi Ear Candles are hand made
They are hollow tubes moulded from
natural linen fabric impregnated with
honey and powdered Indian medicinal
herbs including Sage, St Johns Wort and
The treatment lasts approximately 45
minutes. It involves positioning a candle in
one of the ears and allowing it to burn to a
measured level before gently removing it
and extinguishing it in water.
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Elemis Biotec
Orly Gel FX
The ear is then massaged to stimulate the
pressure points on the ear, lymph nodes
around the ear and the general blood flow
through the ear. The second ear is then
worked on in the same way.
A perfect treatment to help:Ear and Sinus problems.
Irritations in the nose.
Soothing effects for over irritability and
stress relates symptoms.
Noises and ringing in the ears.
Pressure regulations for headaches.
Circulatory problems in the ear.
Local stimulation to lymph flow and local
Stimulation of energy circulation.
The only contra-indications for this
treatment are perforated eardrums, ear
infections, where grommets have been
inserted or any allergies to any ingredients
in the ear candles.
Jenny Dunville
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