DOME data model - a web platform for interacting and configuring Micromine Pitram software . Additional training was also provided for dispatchers on optimising shift orders and equipment allocation .
To further support the diverse workforce at Muruntau , Micromine prepared training materials , including PDF instructions and video demonstrations in both Russian and Uzbek languages . These resources were specifically tailored for dump truck drivers , ensuring they could effectively use Pitram Network and tablets . The successful trial of the Automated Control System for the Mining and Transport Complex project has led to the active use of Micromine Pitram at Muruntau . The system now enables the NMMC team to monitor dump truck routes and receive regular reports , facilitating a comparison between actual and planned outcomes and allowing for timely adjustments .
Micromine has also successfully implemented Micromine Pitram at the new underground mine - Goldrush , part of the world ' s largest gold mining complex that is owned and operated by Nevada Gold Mines ( NGM ).
For over two decades , the innovative technology suite has been in use at several NGM sites , including Cortez , Goldstrike , and Leeville . The implementation of Micromine Pitram at Goldrush , NGM ' s flagship development project , Micromine says is an important next step in enabling the organisation ' s growth ambitions .
Phase 1 of the Micromine Pitram implementation was successfully deployed at the Goldrush operation , consolidating and monitoring production data , including shift and daily production schedules of loaders , trucks , and drill fleets , in addition to improving accuracy on yield forecasting . As the site ' s data backbone , Micromine Pitram also ensures operational teams and regional management have improved insight into shift and production activities to improve productivity and plan accuracy .
Micromine says Pitram is a market-leading FMS and mine control system which has been deployed to more than 60 of the largest mining operations around the world . “ The flexible and easy-to-use platform provides control room operators with a modern suite of tools that includes fleet and mine production monitoring , management of shift planning , materials movement and inventory , and the management of operator qualifications . By harnessing the power of real-time data , Micromine Pitram also provides teams with increased visibility on live production yields , alleviating the need for manual data collection and reporting by staff from multiple sources .”
" We believe in the power of data-driven decision-making , and we look forward to continuing to evolve with the innovative Nevada Gold Mines team to support their growth ambitions ," said Erich Guevara , Head of Business Unit , Micromine Pitram - Americas . “ As a market leader , Micromine Pitram is uniquely positioned to support the rapid decision-making processes critical to large-scale mining operations across the globe . If you don ' t have access to real-time information , you don ' t have the granularity required to make the best decisions possible on key areas , including shift planning , material inventory management and safety . The implementation of Micromine Pitram at Goldrush is a testament to the platform ' s maturity and industry credentials ."
Kennecott selects latest Cat MineStar
The Bingham Canyon copper mine in Utah , USA , selected the Cat ® MineStar™ Fleet management system as part of its plans to optimise open pit operations , with the mine operated by Kennecott , which is owned by Rio Tinto .
Caterpillar Inc and Wheeler Machinery last year completed installation of a Cat MineStar Fleet management system at the mine , which , rather than upgrading the mine ’ s previous fleet management system , chose to deploy MineStar Fleet . This switch has , Caterpillar says , optimised the mine site ’ s equipment tracking , production recording , material management and truck assignment , and it has further expanded the technology relationship between Caterpillar and Rio Tinto .
Ryan Howell , Mining Technology Commercial Product Manager at Caterpillar , said : “ For 15 years , Rio Tinto has used MineStar Terrain and has expanded its MineStar capabilities in recent years at locations like Gudai Darri and Marandoo , autonomous mine sites in Western Australia . Bingham Canyon Mine is the first MineStar Fleet site in Rio Tinto history , and this extends the company ’ s application of MineStar capabilities . Our team is proud of this MineStar Fleet system installation . We are honoured to be there to support the mine site ’ s fleet management needs .”
Joshua Wood , Principal Advisor , Surface Mining Centre of Excellence at Rio Tinto , added : “ The close collaboration between the Rio Tinto Group team , Caterpillar , dealer and Kennecott ensured a successful deployment at Kennecott and their desire to be the flagship for future MineStar sites .”
Even though it wasn ’ t the easiest route for the mine , the cost-benefit analysis showed significant benefits long term using MineStar Fleet , including seamless integration with MineStar Terrain currently used by the mine , Caterpillar said .
Mike Gray , General Manager for Wheeler Machinery , said : “ A true partnership with the supplier , dealer and customer allows for largescale technology projects like this to be completed successfully with minimal impact to production .”
An incremental approach was devised to minimise the system installation loss-time impact on mining operations for bringing nearly 100 trucks , plus more than 40 supporting dozers , shovels and drills , online with MineStar Fleet . Caterpillar and Wheeler worked together to provide a quick turn-around time with best-inclass implementation , Caterpillar said .
Bryce Olson , Mine Monitoring and Control Superintendent at the Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine , said : “ We have been impressed with the partnership , and we share the same
International Mining | MAY 2024