Wenco ’ s futureproofed FMS
Today ’ s fleet management systems do not stand still , they are evolving to keep up with mining ’ s increasingly digital , zero harm and autonomous demands . IM spoke to Reid Given , Senior Product Manager at Wenco International Mining Systems , about FMS future-proofing and Open Autonomy
Q How would you describe the differentiating factors of Wencomine versus other major FMS in the market in terms of its functionality , ‘ future-proofing ’ and ability to integrate new elements ? A Fleet Management Systems ( FMS ) connect equipment , sensors , and people to an array of operational systems at most mines . The ability to pair machine guidance , collision avoidance , fatigue management , and predictive fuel and maintenance , along with any emergent technology creates opportunities for compounding value through shared hardware or screens , workflows , and a common operational picture through which advanced analytics can be derived . The key differentiator of Wencomine FMS lies in flexibility and capabilities for integration . One of the key pillars of the Wenco mindset is ‘ Open ’, not only for their Open Autonomy strategy but their portfolio of solutions , including FMS . This includes an openness for customer and technology partner collaboration , interoperability , advancement , integration , and iteration .
Q Open pit mines vary significantly in size , fleet type and layout – how can one FMS meet the demands of this spectrum ? A Wencomine FMS sits at the core of Wenco , this means that all technologies and systems are developed with a connected fleet in mind . This development mindset results in a powerful , scalable system , accessible to mines of any size , with several value-add applications that allow for a combination of technologies to suit site-specific needs , ensuring maximum extracted value at the lowest cost .
Q How does your system help mines see a single source of truth ? A To list a few types , the Wencomine system contains a wealth of baseline information – equipment , material , production , time usage , operator certifications , shift plans , and the haulage network . The system of course provides operators with an onboard display through which they can gain access to not only critical Wenco ecosystem functions but those relevant to the equipment ’ s integrated systems . This baseline and Wenco ’ s ‘ Open ’ mindset supports third parties in not having to reinvent the wheel in order to integrate with the Wenco ecosystem of products , and system add-ons , enabling third parties to build on this baseline information to yield a comprehensive , single-source of truth , ensuring end users don ’ t need to cope with the duplication of data , or user interfaces .
Q Does ‘ Open ’ also mean more interoperable ? A Wenco defines its ‘ Open ’ philosophy through the desire for its solutions to be an enabler of new value , encompassing ease of access to and use of data , the use of standard protocol when developing system interfaces , and the desire to partner with ecosystem vendors . Wenco ’ s emphasis on ‘ Open .’ This philosophy trickles down to the way Wenco ’ s systems are architected , allowing for further ‘ future-proofing ’ through interoperability with emerging technologies such as fragmentation tracking , digital blast movement modelling , and material sensing . Future-proofing means both allowing for system expansion with the progression of mining and system evolution as new use cases are required or as users ’ technical maturity develops . Every new development , partnership , acquisition , or product iteration is created with Wencomine compatibility in mind .
Q Are there any additions to your FMS functionality outside of load and haul & dispatch that you could highlight ? Reid Given , Senior Product
Manager , Wenco International A ‘ Open ’ interoperability is exemplified
Mining Systems in SmartCap , a technology Wenco acquired that assesses real-time operator fatigue levels . After the acquisition of SmartCap , developers set to the task of integrating statuses and fatigue warnings into the WencoMine in-cab display , allowing operators to check on fatigue levels without an additional screen , or needing to look at their phones . This integration allows SmartCap users to easily uncover added context through the Wencomine dataset .
Q Can you expand on progress with your Open Autonomy strategy ? A Linked to the aforementioned strategy , Wenco ’ s pursuit of Open Autonomy through proposing and championing ISO 23275 , is geared towards enabling new entrant autonomy providers in mining , mixed fleet operation , new mining tactics , and new technologies . Wenco has been actively developing towards compliance with ISO 23275 since 2019 and Wencomine FMS is actively being used in various trial stages in conjunction with a host of Autonomy Haul System ( AHS ) partners . Wenco has additional projects with multiple AHS that involve tier 1 miners and many system use cases , including longer hauls , a smaller profile of mining vehicles , and battery electric vehicles , consistently looking toward the future of mining could be . Wencomine FMS is also integrated with Hitachi Construction Machinery ’ s ( HCM ) AHS furthering the company ’ s experience in managing interactions between staffed and autonomous truck fleets .
Q How would you summarise the value proposition of Wencomine for today ’ s mining industry ? A The key to successful informed mining is ensuring the miner ’ s data is available all in one place , as you say , a ‘ single source of truth ’. Wenco believes an optimal , connected mine , should also be represented by products and systems that are easy to use and easy to derive value from . Wencomine offers a range of system add-ons that integrate seamlessly with the core product , ensuring our customers attain maximum value , with minimal staff disruption , installation , and infrastructure . Wenco offers peace of mind as an FMS provider that has the future in mind . From ensuring mine size and capability are considered - making expansion into further systems and modules a simple process , to exploring future technology and ensuring accessibility . approaches the shovel , data is passed between the equipment units . When the truck passes an uplink beacon , the shovel and trucks ’ data will be sent to the system for classification . This reduces the need for extensive Wifi network infrastructure . Additional beacons can act as a network connected bridge and be added in other areas to monitor interactions with infrastructure – these are battery powered and can be configured at the mine ’ s choice , for example at road intersections and underground at different access points .
Eyre states : “ A key thing we have developed is a ranging capability where we can give positions but also record data from the vehicles in close proximity . All our data loggers have the ability to range and are highly robust with an aluminium based and hard plastic housing . We are also in
International Mining | MAY 2023