HxGN MineOperate ’ s GNSS receivers can communicate with more satellite constellations , therefore its positioning is more accurate and reliable
constant interaction from operators or mine controllers . In fact , OP Pro can operate without a mine controller at all , which is unique in the market .”
Finally , Hexagon says it is both OEM agnostic and future proof . “ Hexagon ’ s Power of One ecosystem is the ultimate future proofing . It provides a fully integrated technology stack that encompasses mine planning , safety , operations , and autonomy — all using a consistent hardware platform and integrated data flows . The Power of One will power the mining technology market for many years to come .”
Flexibility is also a plus . Larger , more capitalintensive mines have typically invested in ‘ full ’ FMS solutions such as HxGN MineOperate OP Pro , however , Hexagon says it has also successfully deployed OP Pro into smaller operations around the world . OP Pro is an extremely flexible system which can be adapted to many situations .
Back on to the topic of FMS and autonomy . HxGN MineOperate is the foundation for Hexagon ’ s autonomy platform . “ Decades of development in fleet optimization and equipment activity modelling provides Hexagon ’ s autonomy solutions with a healthy start . Autonomy is not a one-dimensional solution or a one-stop destination . There will inevitably be blended solutions on the autonomy roadmap , and Hexagon is uniquely positioned to provide this to the market through being OEM agnostic and providing a full stack of integrated products .”
Finally , the FMS can be seen as part of an ecosystem , in which it integrates seamlessly and efficiently with the rest of the ecosystem by sharing common hardware and sensors with Hexagon ’ s Asset Health monitoring , Operator Awareness System ( OAS ) and Collision Avoidance System ( CAS ). So Hexagon ’ s Power of
One ecosystem allows mines to reach their goals in both safety and productivity .
The power of Pitram
Micromine ’ s Pitram is another leading mine control and production system and has established its reputation through over 50 active deployments globally to address the challenges unique to underground mining . But Pitram can handle both underground and surface mining . The company told IM : “ Solving these underground mining challenges has translated exceptionally well to surface mining , where communications networks are limited and material tracking or utilisation are key challenges to be solved .”
On the key distinctions in FMS deployment on surface and underground , Micromine stated : “ Underground is focused on the entire cycle , and due to the constraints underground such as distance , location access and infrastructure requirements , so it needs to be more tightly
MAY 2023 | International Mining