Spotlight Feature Articles SOFTWARE | Page 10

“ This ongoing integration between all technologies that touch a mine in the coming years will ensure that all data can be used and analysed – from the mine to the boardroom – to keep a continuous live pulse on the entire operation ,” Anderson said . “ This data is vital in achieving ESG goals .”
This “ live pulse ” will help minimise deviations from the mine plan , with Hexagon ’ s Mining division continuing to partner with mining companies to develop the tools they need to execute industry initiatives . “ For example , implementing the use of electric equipment in plan estimation or introducing additional solutions to better model reclamation ,” Anderson said . He concluded : “ Our customers are under immense pressure to prove their mines are as sustainable as they are safe and productive . By partnering with customers and putting their data to work , we are uniquely positioned to help them achieve ESG goals , reverse the trend of resource depletion and rise to the challenge of our age .”
Keeping the ESG promises
Datamine , a company that has both consulting and software expertise across the mining value chain – from exploration and resource and reserve estimation to mine planning and operations , to supply chain optimisation – has continued to grow its capabilities over the years .
This growth has tracked the shift from using traditional mining practices to a highly automated and increasingly reduced carbon footprint future – “ with autonomous equipment , robotics and automated software solutions being key components in realising this transition ”, it said .
With miners collecting and dealing with everincreasing quantities of data and looking for ways to leverage it to make data-driven decisions that enhance risk management and increase profitability , integrated software solutions are – now , more than ever – essential in supporting continuous improvement , and maintaining data fidelity and data integrity across the entire mining value chain , according to the company .
Within this ‘ new normal ’, Datamine can leverage solutions such as Studio UG and Studio OP for the automated modelling of alternative open-pit and underground mine designs , and scheduling tools with advanced optimisation techniques such as Minemax Scheduler , NPV Scheduler and Studio UG .
More recently , the mining sector has seen a heightened focus on ESG and sustainability that many of the company ’ s software products play a key role in confronting .
“ A holistic view of operations is gained using Datamine solutions such as MineMarket , Centric and Reconcilor , which provide traceability and auditing for chain of custody and governance purposes across the value chain from resource modelling to shipping and sales ,” the company said . “ These connect to multiple data sources and systems linking Datamine ’ s own operational solutions for surveying , grade control and blasting , etc .”
In addition to acquiring the Optiro business ( which has been merged with the Snowden business ), GeoMineSoft , Database Systems LLP and Centric Mining Systems ; and announcing partnerships with LAB3 and its SensorMine solution and autonomous drone major Emesent , the company , in 2021 , set up a dedicated ESG business unit focused on the specific needs of the mining industry .
The new ESG business unit will bring together existing technologies and services within one group , with the unit able to call on products such as Discover GIS for geochemical , water , erosion and vegetation modelling and management ; Qmed for workforce health management , COVID testing and vaccine administration ; and Centric Mining Intelligence for real-time transparency and governance across multiple sites and systems , including key ESG performance indicator reporting .
Formed under the leadership of Chris Parry , the establishment of the ESG unit comes at the same time the mining sector is showing an increased interest in managing ESG and its component systems as part of a single scope , led by senior executives .
Parry said the newly formed business unit had got off to a fast start , already making progress with carbon modelling and tracking solutions to help customers achieve their ESG targets .
Datamine can leverage solutions such as Studio UG and Studio OP ( pictured ) for the automated modelling of alternative open-pit and underground mine designs
The newly established business unit has also seen the recent acquisition of Zyght – a leading
health , safety and environment solution for high impact industries that specialises in environment , injury and risk management , safe work plans , document management , compliance and reporting .
“ I ’ m excited to accelerate the growth of Datamine ’ s ESG division by adding an established , well-respected team with a deep understanding of the mining industry ” Dylan Webb , Datamine CEO , said .
Zyght , Datamine says , is highly complementary to Qmed , Datamine ’ s existing solution for managing medical facilities , occupational health and COVID-19 screening , tracing and vaccinations .
By having a strong ESG data foundation in place , companies can make effective and timely decisions by incorporating critical ESG data into their planning and scheduling activities to meet customer demands while staying within the confines of their chosen ESG targets , according to the company .
“ The importance of ESG is something that will need to be considered for most , if not every , decision in the future and having reliable and available information will be critical ”, Parry said .
“ Whilst the industry will continue to see investment and innovation that drive operational efficiency and productivity , we will also see a strong ESG theme in these emerging technologies so that these solutions support both sustainable and socially responsible operations .”
International Mining | FEBRUARY 2022