Jord ’ s NovaCell™ potential to be a game changer
The NovaCell , invented by Laureate Professor Graeme Jameson , and part of the portfolio of Australia ’ s Jord international , was developed to deliver step changes in flotation process efficiency and to optimise current processing practices . Its novel configuration produces the ideal hydrodynamic conditions for both coarse and fine particle flotation recovery . IM caught up with Jord Technology Manager , Sherwin Morgan .
Q If you had to highlight one attribute of NovaCell that makes it a game changer would it be sustainability ? Is that something increasingly being appreciated in the market ? A Yes , the NovaCell provides mining operators with options to minimise their energy and water consumption , as well as reduce fine waste material . Over the last year , through extensive testing , these benefits are being better understood and the technology is now being incorporated more regularly in optimisation studies . The NovaCell is unique in that it can achieve high recovery efficiencies across the full particle size distribution . So , irrespective of whether its valuable fines , intermediate or coarse particles , all the available minerals in the feed stream are recovered in one flotation device . Other newer technologies generally focus on a particular size band , whether its fine or coarse . Thus , competing technologies need to rely on hybrid flotation circuits to achieve the same level of recovery and sustainability performance .
Q To what extent has your testing borne out these sustainability claims in terms of real results ? A In a recent case study , the sustainability benefits of the NovaCell for a porphyry copper deposit were demonstrated . The results indicated that the NovaCell , at a P80 of 425 microns , could maintain the current plant copper recovery ( at 90 %), whilst reducing the energy ( up to 50 %) and water consumption ( up to 40 %).
Q Is its fine and coarse Jord NovaCell design flotation capability unique in the market ? What has market feedback been like ? A Yes , the NovaCell is the only commercially available flotation device that can recover valuable particles across the full particle size distribution range in one device . Thus , the NovaCell can treat the full process flow and the circuit is simple to implement and control . The feedback has been very positive , especially for critical minerals . Our customers are surprised by the feed throughput and sustainability benefits the technology offers . In addition , the NovaCell pre-concentration capabilities are also being evaluated , with the objective to extend mine life and reduce mining costs . As an example , the NovaCell was recently selected for innovation funding by OZ Minerals , Amira Global and the International Copper Association Australia .
Q Where is the project to date - have you moved beyond in-house testing to trials of the cell in real concentrator plants with customers ? A The most advanced project is with a consortium of international clients , where the in-house testing has produced very positive results . The group has agreed to progress the project and fund on-site pilot plant trials . The business case is based on a 10 % recovery improvement will be a reduction energy and water consumption . Moving into 2023 we will expand our testing capabilities across multiple locations , open a satellite office in North America and expand our project pipeline in lithium and potash . states : “ When a chemical is highly toxic and has a distinct odour , it may well be NaHS – or sodium hydrosulphide – one of the most controversial depressants commonly used in coppermolybdenum separation . Its toxicity lies in the generation of hydrogen sulphide gas , an issue compounded by high treatment costs and logistic challenges .” Solvay ’ s AERO ® 7260 and AERO ® NR 7361 sulphide mineral depressants can either partially or fully replace NaHS . “ As safer and more sustainable solutions , these reagents also require lower dosages while delivering equal or even superior metallurgic performance . With AERO ® 7260 , one of the biggest Cu-Mo mines in North America was able to achieve their highest production of Mo concentrate , and with AERO ® NR 7361 , another mine reduced overall treatment costs by 50 %.”
Severe HSE issues are also associated with the use of xanthates as flotation reagents . “ Xanthates are combustible , tend to self-ignite and can release toxic gases during storage , shipment and use . As alternatives with superior stability and safety , Solvay ’ s AERO ® XR xanthate replacement series collectors provide significant advantages , from ease of handling and lower exposure , to safer stock management and simplified operation . A major gold mine reduced
their reagent consumption with AERO ® XR while increasing their gold recovery by 2 %.”
Another challenge can be the impact of carbonaceous gangue minerals on sulphide flotation , such as requiring higher reagent dosages , leading to cell overflows or compromising flotation kinetics . “ AERO ® carbon depressants are among Solvay ’ s robust solutions for ores with high carbon content . Besides reducing reagent consumption , they show excellent carbon depression and minimise the loss of valuable minerals to tails during flotation . In one recent case , the use of AERO ® 641 depressant on a carbon-containing copper ore resulted in a significantly higher carbon-to-copper recovery ratio as well as improved copper grade .”
“ In line with our Solvay One Planet roadmap , our mining chemistry is dedicated to providing safer , cleaner and more resource-efficient results ,” says Ricardo Capanema , Global Marketing & Business Development Director of Mining Solutions at Solvay . “ As mines manage ores with lower grade content and face increasingly stricter regulations , they can benefit from our full suite of reagents , digital capabilities and technical support to design a custom reagent scheme best suited to their flotation circuits .”
Maelgwyn and the FineFuture project
Froth flotation is arguably the most important minerals separation process . However , current conventional flotation technologies do not work adequately for fine particles , ie below 20 microns . Dr Duong Hoang , Applied R & D Lead at Maelgwyn Mineral Services Ltd told IM that this is a serious challenge at present , limiting the exploitation of deposits and proper recycling of end-of-life products containing Critical Raw Materials ( CRM ). FineFuture is an EU-funded project which explores innovative technologies and concepts to improve the flotation recovery of ultrafine particles . This three-year FineFuture project is an intensive collaborative effort bringing together 16 partners from academia and industry from 11 European and associated countries . Led by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf ( HZDR ), the project has received over € 6.2 million in funding from the EU . Hoang said : “ Besides improving our understanding of the efficient separation of fine particles by proper turbulence design . The aim of FineFuture is to combine progressive facility design and process innovations to develop new technological solutions on various TRL levels for the flotation separation of fine particles .”
OCTOBER 2022 | International Mining