Spotlight Feature Article - Surface Drilling SFA_Surface Drilling_Apr23 | Page 10

Hexagon Mining - leveraging AI in auto drilling
IM caught up with Curtis Stacy , Senior Product Manager - Autonomous Drilling at Hexagon ’ s Mining division . In February 2022 , Hexagon ’ s Mining division signed an exclusive partnership agreement with Phoenix Drill Control ( PDC ), a technology company specialised in implementing autonomous technology to the open-pit , blasthole drilling process
Q Is the PDC system a complete OEM agnostic drill automation system or is it just adding some additional AI to the drill ? How would you compare and contrast what PDC does to what other third party OEMagnostic systems do ? A PDC is a complete OEM-agnostic drill automation solution . The PDC solution leverages artificial intelligence algorithms to determine best drilling parameters to apply to a given ground condition detected under the drill bit . In addition , AI is leveraged to determine when hole quality needs to be corrected because of down hole geological faults or adverse drilling conditions detected . The PDC technology , in contrast to other third party technology does all of this by applying a layer of technology that preserves the OEM control system ; put simply , we do not alter the machine in any way aside from creating a by-wire interface that allows us to mimic the commands an operator would generate from the operator cab using either electronic or digital control mechanisms . Other systems replace the OEM controls with their own . When the PDC system is not in control of the drill rig , the OEM controls function exactly as designed by the OEM ; this approach reduces supply chain risk of the mine end user and reduces the amount of training required to utilise and maintain the technology .
Q How does PDC complement Hexagon ’ s existing technology such as High Precision GPS , MineMeasure and MineOperate fleet management system ? A PDC will utilise the Power of One strategic approach of Hexagon to leverage the Hexagon HPGPS technologies and expertise . Data generated by the PDC technology platform is being integrated into HxGN MineMeasure for data analysis and reporting , as well as pattern creation and blast analysis . MineAutomate functions will be handled by Hexagon ’ s Mission Manager application where autonomous missions will be planned and monitored remotely . Integration into the HxGN MineOperate Fleet Management System will occur for manned pattern management and time utilisation modeling . The PDC technology is a perfect fit in all of Hexagon ' s Power of One applications and hardware suites .
Q Can PDC work with any FMS or comms network or does it have set requirements ? A PDC can work in a stand-alone non-network mode , interfaced with FMS applications , or as a stand-alone networked automation solution . Network requirements are simply an IP-based connection using whatever technology the mine site prefers .
Q Can you give some idea of what is already “ out there ” in terms of deployment of the technology in mining - whether tests / trials or full commercial use ? A The prototype system ran for more than four years while hardware platforms and AI algorithms were tested and perfected . Today , the Drill Assist application is commercially available and being installed at a copper mine in southern Arizona . This system will be the first with the new digital machine interface technology enabling CANOpen based control of the drill rig .
Hexagon is leveraging its existing HxGN Mission Manager application with Phoenix Drill Control to provide full autonomy and machine monitoring from remote locations
Q How would you describe the “ selling point ” or uniqueness about what PDC does versus other solutions in the market ? A There are two big differences . First , the AI difference – the AI is exceptional at generating drill parameters ( rotary RPM , force on bit ) and optimising penetration rates where variable ground conditions exist . Other solutions generally require some operator interaction with these parameters to optimise them depending on the geology the machine is currently drilling in . The PDC does not even have an interface where these parameters can be accessed . The AI just does it all for you . The the layer of technology difference – By preserving the OEM control system , minesites are able to support the new technology without having to learn an entirely new control system for the drill rig . This significantly reduces the amount of training required to stand the technology up . Additionally , this approach enables OEMs to continue to support their drill rig and preserves the OEM-customer supply chain relationships while adding productivity through the AI approach .
Q What customer feedback have you had on the system to date ? What is your roadmap from here ? A That “ the data is clear , the system adds value .” All feedback has been positive . The roadmap has two main functional approaches . First , the continued integration with the Hexagon ecosystem – continuing to add Hexagon ecosystem functionality and integration in the hardware and data elements of the technology . Already completed includes data offboarding – using Hexagon data off-boarding technology , the data generated by the drill rig is now available in central database format for reporting and analysis . Also branding – the application is now branded as Hexagon . Then planned or underway includes MineMeasure integration – blast hole service integration where data can be analysed and new blast patterns generated and managed ; CORE HPGPS integration – positioning services provided by Hexagon CORE HPGPS hardware and software ; and FMS integration – time utilisation modelling integrated into HxGN FMS services . Finally there is the pathway to full autonomy where there will be a graphical user interface , and where an application description is automatically generated . Here planned or underway includes Vehicle Intervention System ( VIS ) integration – leveraging HxGN CAS and HxGN VIS technology to detect real world obstacles and take appropriate machine control actions . And also Mission Manager integration – leveraging existing HxGN Mission Manager application to provide full autonomy and machine monitoring from remote locations .
the major mining houses from Anglo American to Vale , Rio Tinto and many others . Back then the major OEMs were more focused on underground drill automation ; and surface automation wasn ’ t yet a big focus . They didn ’ t yet see it as a core part of their business . But this customer and
others saw what FLANDERS was able to do on an OEM machine . So from then on our growth was customer driven – mines seeing what we did and
International Mining | APRIL 2023