Spotlight_ChampShow_Edition_24 | Page 48

www . wsca . org 2024 - Champ Show Special Edition - 24
touching any part of the horse . It is permissible to use a longe whip however , disqualification will occur anytime the exhibitor strikes the horse to cause forward or lateral movement at any time during the longeing demonstration . b ) No other equipment is allowed on the horse during the class . Mechanical or retractable longe lines are not allowed . c ) For the conformation inspection , a lead shank , such as used in halter or showmanship classes may be exchanged for the longe line prior to the longeing demonstration . No lip chains will be allowed . Exhibitors are not to be penalized for using regular halters and plain longe lines , nor are they to be rewarded for using show halters and longe lines . Only movement , manners / expression / way of going , and conformation are being judged . The type of equipment used is not to be a consideration in placing the horse as long as the equipment meets the requirements stated above .
Attire Conventional Western attire is mandatory ; except if a prospect is considered to be a Hunter prospect then conventional English attire is suggested ( flat caps and fedoras are also acceptable ). The type of attire worn by the exhibitor is not to be a consideration in placing the horse as long as the attire meets the requirements stated above .
Gaits Gaits are to be judged according to rules for Gaits for Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle classes .
Conformation & Equipment Inspection Each horse is to be inspected by the judge on conformation , proper equipment and for evidence of abuse , inhumane treatment , or violation of rules . Horses will not be allowed to show in illegal equipment or if there is evidence of abuse , or inhumane treatment . It is mandatory that a horse must be tracked at a walk and jog / trot in the conformation portion of the class prior to longeing . Horses that show evidence of lameness will be excused prior to the longeing demonstration .
Judging Judge ( s ) will be outside the longeing circle . The exhibitor will enter the arena and await the audible start signal . When the signal is given , the exhibitor will be allowed 1½ minutes ( 90 seconds ) to present the horse . At the end of the 1½ minutes , a signal will be given again to signify the end of the demonstration . Show management is required to add a “ half-way ” signal . ( The signal may be a bell , whistle or announcement .) a ) Once the class has started , a horse warming up prior to their go may only warm up at the walk .
The horse will be scored at all three gaits in both directions . Western Pleasure prospects are to show at the walk , jog , and lope . Hunter Under Saddle prospects are to show at the walk , trot and canter . Any horse that does not exhibit these gaits in each direction will be disqualified from the class . Additionally , judges shall immediately excuse any horse that exhibits obvious lameness at any time during the class . ( See scoring .) Exhibitors may begin work in the direction of their choice ( counter or clock-wise ). Exhibitor must demonstrate at minimum ¼ of a circle at each gait . At the end of the 1 1 / 2 minutes , the signal will be given and the exhibitor shall at the request of show management , retire from the longeing area to the far end of the ring . The horses are to stand quietly on the wall while the other exhibitors present their horses .
The horses are to be judged on movement , Manner / Expression / Attitude , Conformation suitable to their purpose and use of circle . Judges should judge the movement of the horse as defined in the rules for gaits .
If the horse is playing on the longe line , it shall not count against the horse . The judge will , however , penalize the horse for excessive bucking , or running off , stumbling , or displaying attitudes that are uncomplimentary to pleasure horses . Falling down will constitute disqualification .
Exhibitors are encouraged to exhibit their horse making full use of a 25 ’ radius circle , as they will be scored on this .
An exhibitor may only show two horses in each Longe Line class . The same exhibitor must show both segments of the class . An additional handler may hold the second horse while the first horse is being worked . An additional handler may hold the first horse while the second horse is being worked . A maximum of two handlers may be used . Exhibitors and handlers may not do anything to disturb any horses in the class while they change