9 - 2023 - Champ Show Special Edition www . wsca . org
* No penalties will be incurred for over / under spins , but deductions may be made in maneuver score .
Ranch Riding Apparel and Equipment
1 . Hoof polish is discouraged . 2 . Braided or banded manes and artificial hair extensions are discouraged . 3 . Trimming inside ears is discouraged . 4 . Trimming bridle path is allowed , also trimming of fetlocks or excessive ( long ) facial hair . 5 . Grooming allowances will be made for horses exhibited in additional classes . 6 . Equipment with silver should not count over a good working outfit . Silver on bridles and saddles is discouraged . 7 . It is suggested that competitors use a breast collar and rear cinch . Horses , of all ages , may be shown in a snaffle , bosal , or curb bit . When a bit is used , the mouthpiece must be at least 5 / 16 " and not more than ¾ " in diameter measured one inch from cheek and must be smooth . A standard western curb bit must not be longer than 8 ½ inches measured on the outside length from the top bridle attachment to the rein attachment . The port must not be higher than 3 ½ inches with rollers and covers acceptable . Broken mouthpieces , spades and halfbreeds are standard . Split reins shall be used with all bits except that a romal is acceptable with a curb bit . Closed reins are not allowed except as standard romal reins or standard mecate reins which include a tie rope with snaffle bit or bosal . Curb straps are required for curb bits and the curb chains or straps must be at least ½ inch in width and must lie flat against the horse ’ s chin . No wire curbs are permitted , regardless of the amount of padding or tape . Absolutely no iron will be permitted under the jaws . Prohibited equipment includes tie downs , cavessons , slip or gag bits , donut or flat polo mouthpieces , mechanical hackamores and running martingales .