Spotlight_ChampShow_Edition_23 | Page 17

www . wsca . org 2023 - Champ Show Special Edition - 8
described in Western Performance classes with an emphasis on forward movement , free-flowing , and ground covering for all gaits . Transitions should be performed where designated , with smoothness and responsiveness . 6 . No time limit . 7 . One of the suggested five patterns may be used , however a judge may utilize a different pattern as long as all required maneuvers and the three ( or more ) optional maneuvers are included . 8 . Sitting at the regular trot and lope is recommended ; though standing in the stirrups at the extended trot and extended lope , or posting the extended trot is acceptable .
Ranch Riding Scoring & Penalty System
Ranch Riding Scoring
The scoring system is designed to be positive , straightforward , and always encourage growth and improvement in both horse and rider . The scoring system is designed to give credit for the work done . Each horse / rider team is scored between 0-100 points . The horse / rider team is scored on the quality of each maneuver ( e . g ., -1 1 / 2 extremely poor , -1 very poor , -1 / 2 poor , 0 correct , + 1 / 2 Good , + 1 very good , + 1 1 / 2 excellent ). Plusses and minuses are a reflection of the smoothness , finesse , attitude , quickness and authority of the horse / rider team when performing the various maneuvers . Penalties may be accrued for incorrect maneuver execution . Posting or standing at the extended trot is acceptable .
Ranch Riding Penalites
A contestant shall be penalized each time the following occur : Minor Penalties : 1 . Too slow / per gait . 2 . Over-bridled . 3 . Out of frame . 4 . Break of gait at walk or jog for 2 strides or less . Major Penalties : 5 . Break of gait at walk or jog for more than 2 strides . 6 . Break of gait at lope . 7 . Wrong lead or out of lead . 8 . Draped reins . 9 . Out of lead or cross-cantering more than two strides . 10 . Trotting more than three strides when taking lead . 11 . Severe disturbance of any obstacle . Severe Penalties : 12 . Blatant disobedience ( kick , bite , buck , rear , etc .). 13 . Each refusal Placed Below Horses Performing All Maneuvers : 14 . Eliminates maneuver . 15 . Incomplete maneuver . Zero Score : 16 . Illegal equipment . 17 . Willful abuse . 18 . Major disobedience or schooling . * Rider may only touch the saddle with the free hand at the extended trot . * No penalties will be incurred for hits / nicks of logs , but deductions may be made from maneuver score .