7 - 2023 - Champ Show Special Edition www . wsca . org
Western Saddle Clubs Association Ranch Horse Guidelines 2023
General Rules
• The Ranch Horse classes are designed to show the overall ability of the horse to perform skills necessary to those of the all-around ranch horse .
• No horses less than 3 years of age may be exhibited .
• Only horses or ponies permitted . No mules or donkeys .
• Exhibitor must be a member in good standing of a Western Saddle Clubs Association saddle club and complete all registration information by deadlines found online at wsca . org .
Showcase Classes
Ranch classes will be offered in the following age divisions : 17 & Under 18-35 35 & Over
Cross entries into additional pleasure classes will be permitted .
Ranch Riding
The purpose of the ranch riding class is to evaluate the rider ' s ability to execute , in concert with their horse , a set of maneuvers with precision and smoothness while exhibiting poise and confidence , and maintaining a balanced , functional and fundamentally correct body position . The horse should be welltrained , relaxed , quiet , soft and cadenced at all gaits . The ideal ranch horse will travel with forward movement and demonstrate an obvious lengthening of stride at extended gaits . The horse can be ridden with light contact or on a relatively loose rein without requiring undue restraint , but not shown on a full drape of reins .
Class Routine Ranch Riding will consist of individual pattern work only . Ranch Riding patterns will be included for judges ’ selection .
Ranch Riding Patterns
1 . Each horse will work individually , performing both required and optional maneuvers , and scored on the basis of 0 to 100 , with 70 denoting an average performance . 2 . The required maneuvers will include the walk , trot , and lope both directions ; the extended trot and extended lope at least one direction ; as well as stops , and back . 3 . Three optional maneuvers may include a side pass , turns of 360 or more , change of lead ( simple or flying ), walk , trot or lope over a pole ( s ); or some reasonable combination of maneuvers that would be reasonable for a ranch horse to perform . 4 . The maneuvers may be arranged in various combinations with final approval by the judge . 5 . The overall cadence and performance of the gaits should be as those