Spotlight_ChampShow_Edition_23 | Page 10

5 - 2023 - Champ Show Special Edition www . wsca . org


$ 20
$ 40
BEFORE 8 / 27 / 23
AFTER 8 / 27 / 23
SINGLE CLASS $ 20 $ 40 DOUBLE CLASS $ 40 $ 80
4-IN-A-LINE $ 80 $ 160
ADAPTIVE RIDING CLASSES $ 20 $ 40 FUTURITY PLEASURE CLASSES $ 85 $ 170 MATURITY PLEASURE CLASSES $ 85 $ 170 JACKPOT PLEASURE CLASSES $ 50 $ 100 SIDEPOT 5D BARRELS $ 40 $ 80 SIDEPOT 4D FUTURITY BARRELS $ 85 $ 170 SIDEPOT 4D DERBY BARRELS $ 85 $ 170 * all entry fees are subject to convenience fees .
• The 2023 Championship Show Commitee is adding in some ‘ showcase classes ’ to the 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show in a effort to see the level of interest in the addition of Ranch Classes to the WSCA Class List / Championship Show in the future .
• Exhibitors do not need to qualify for the Showcase Ranch classes .
• No horses less than 3 years of age may be exhibited .
• Three age divsisions ; Jr 17 & Under , Sr 18-34 and Sr + 35 & Over in Ranch Pleasure and Ranch Riding .
• Cross entries into additional pleasure classes will be permitted .
• The Ranch Horse classes are designed to show the overall ability of the horse to perform skills necessary to those of the all-around ranch horse .
RANCH PLEASURE : The ranch rail pleasure class measures the ability of the horse to be a pleasure to ride while being used as a means of conveyance from one ranch task to another and should reflect the versatility , attitude , and movement of a working horse . The horse should be welltrained , relaxed , quiet , soft and cadenced at all gaits . The ideal ranch horse will travel with forward movement and demonstrate an obvious lengthening of stride at extended gaits . The horse can be ridden with light contact or on a relatively loose rein without requiring undue restraint , but not shown on a full drape of reins . The overall manners and responsiveness of the horse to make timely transitions in a smooth and correct manner , as well as the quality of the movement are of primary considerations .
RANCH RIDING : The purpose of the ranch riding class is to evaluate the rider ’ s ability to execute , in concert with their horse , a set of maneuvers with precision and smoothness while exhibiting poise and confidence , and maintaining a balanced , functional and fundamentally correct body position . The horse should be well-trained , relaxed , quiet , soft and cadenced at all gaits . The ideal ranch horse will travel with forward movement and demonstrate an obvious lengthening of stride at extended gaits . The horse can be ridden with light contact or on a relatively loose rein without requiring undue restraint , but not shown on a full drape of reins .
See WSCA Ranch Horse Guidelines for more info . { Coming Soon !}
• There are two Jackpot Pleasure Classes added the 2023 WSCA Championship Horse Show ; Jackpot Hunt Seat Pleasure and Jackpot Western Pleasure .
• The horse must show in ‘ like ’ class to enter Jackpot Class . i . e . Horse must be shown in Western Pleasure Class to enter the Jackpot Western Pleasure Class . { Rider can be different }
• Added Money and 75 % payout . Checks will be mailed .
• Jackpot Classes can / will follow the rail class cut rules .
• Poles , Key Race and Barrels will take place in the Compeer Arena on Friday , September 22 at 9am .
• Exhibitors do not need to qualify for the Adaptive Riding Classes .
• Class eligibility will be determined by individual ’ s ability to ride and skill level . 1 . Assisted Obstacle Game Class - Walk and trot with horse handler and riding assistants as needed . Class will be judged on the proper execution of obstacles , balance and seat , control of mount , quietness of mount and pace , and safety awareness . Arena spotters are required . 2 . Unassisted Obstacle Game Class - Walk , trot or canter unassisted . Arena spotters are required . Class will be judged on proper execution of pattern and time . The exhibitor with the fastest time is the winner of the event .
See WSCA Adaptive Riding Program Guidelines for more info . { Coming Soon !}
• The Futurity / Maturity is designed to appeal to all pleasure horse breeders , owners , trainers and exhibitors by offering classes for horses ranging from yearlings to maturity 5 & over .
• Must show proof of age to show office upon check in .
• $ 200 Added Money to each class and 75 % payout . Payout based on the number of entries . Checks will be mailed .
• Be prepared for bit inspection .
• Yearling Longeline ; no chains , walk , trot , lope both directions . 45 seconds each direction . Exhibitors can show up to 2 in Longeline .
See WSCA Pleasure Futurity Guidelines for more info . { Coming Soon !}
• To be eligible for the Futurity , the horse must be 5 and under { must show proof of age to show office } and horse must NEVER have competed in ANY barrel race prior to November 15 , 2022 . Horse may have run exhibition runs .
• To be eligible for the Derby , the horse must be 7 and under { must show proof of age to show office }.
• The futurity / derby sidepot times will be taken from age division run . { there will not be a seperate run }
• All barrel classes are staked and dragged consistent . The Championship Show Committee is committed to providing the best ground possible .
• 1 / 2 second splits . Number of placings based on the number of entries .
• Added Money and 75 % payout . Results will be posted on Tuesday , September 26 , 2023 . Checks will be mailed .
• The Jackpot sidepot times will be taken from age division run . { there will not be a seperate run }
• Must be entered into sidepot before barrels start .
• All barrel classes are staked and dragged consistent . The Championship Show Committee is committed to providing the best ground possible .
• 1 / 2 second splits . Number of placings based on the number of entries .
• Added Money and 75 % payout . Results will be posted on Tuesday , September 26 , 2023 . Checks will be mailed .