SPORTY BIKE cbm-rulesofroad | Page 5

R U L E S O F T H E R O A D DON’T PASS ON THE RIGHT Motorists are not looking for bicyclists to pass on the right even if the bicyclists are in a designated bike lane. Establish your place in traffic behind the motorist where you can watch for turn signals. Drive defensively, always use extreme caution when passing. WRONG Don’t pass on the right OBEY TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS RIGHT Know and obey all traffic laws. Give motorists a reason to respect bicyclists! Don’t pass on the right - stay in the lane It is illegal and dangerous to ride through stop signs, red lights, impede traffic, ride several abreast, or ride the wrong way down a street. These illegal actions reinforce the myth that bicycle drivers are irresponsible and do not belong on the road. By driving your bicycle in a safe manner (watching out for yourself as well as others) you make it easier for motorists to treat you as an equal on the road and be polite to you or the next bicyclist they see. Stop at all red lights and stop signs 6