SPORTY BIKE cbm-rulesofroad

B I C Y C L I N G R ULES I N C O L O R A D O OF THE R OAD Please consult the Colorado Revised Statutes for the specific language of the law regarding bicycles and their operation. Municipalities and other jurisdictions may add further restrictions beyond those in the state law by passing local ordinances. It is your responsibility to know the law of the jurisdiction in which you are bicycling. RIDE ON THE RIGHT Ride in the right lane with the flow of traffic. Ride as close to the right side of the right lane as safe and practical when being overtaken by another vehicle. Ride on the paved shoulder whenever a paved shoulder suitable for bicycle riding is present. Ride in the right lane except when: • Overtaking another bicycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction • Preparing for a left turn • Avoiding hazardous conditions Ride in the right lane with the flow of traffic TIP: Riding on the right doesn’t mean hugging the curb or edge of the road. This is not the best place to ride because if you hit the curb or edge of the pavement, you might lose your balance and fall into traffic. Ride on the paved shoulder 2