Sportsmen's Monthly July | August | Page 2

CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT WHAT’S INSIDE A 4 The Great Bait Debate Portrayed as lazy or unethical, the use of bait is often necessary 2 5 President’s Message A word from Evan Heusinkveld, President and CEO of Sportsmen’s Alliance The Blurry Line At what point does habitat management become baiting? 8 Legislative Block The status of Alliance-backed legislation and legal action throughout the country 11 Alliance Partners Working with the industry’s best companies to protect our hunting heritage Social media What’s trending? Sportsmen’s Alliance 92 like this Sportsmen’s Alliance 221like this Sportsmen’s Alliance 121 like this Follow us! FACEBOOK.COM/SPORTSMENSALLIANCE 1 SPORTSMEN’S MONTHLY July | August 2017 TWITTER.COM/SPORTSMENSALL INSTAGRAM.COM/SPORTSMEN SALL t the Sportsmen’s Alliance, we’re dedicated to protecting hunting, fishing and trapping. We have been for nearly 40 years. We don’t just protect one species and its habitat nor just one method. We go where the fight takes us, and that means our efforts vary between species, methods and states. We support the science that made this country’s wildlife management model the best in the world. This across-the-board defense can cause issues from an organizational standpoint, however. No single group of sportsmen identifies with and supports us singlehandedly. But we view this as a blessing, not a curse. All sportsmen have something at stake when it comes to the animal-rights movement, and all sportsmen should support the Sportsmen’s Alliance. Where our no-holds-barred defense of all sportsmen and all methods of take can be an issue, is when some in our own ranks actually perpetuate the myths spread by anti- hunters. We often stand the chance of alienating the hunters who don’t see the big picture and are willing to shortsightedly sacrifice a method. A prime example: the use of bait. Targeted by animal-rights groups, baiting is painted as unethical; an easy kill that takes no skill. They spread this message in the media with marketing and big budgets. We’ve seen it in Maine, Washington state and elsewhere. When you read this month’s issue, keep one thing in mind. Despite their rhetoric, the truth is: anti-hunters don’t care what method you use. They want to end all hunting. They may claim it’s just about ending baiting or another method, but we know better. Their efforts might start with one practice, but the use of dogs, archery equipment or even food plots are points they’ll argue as unethical. Let’s not be fooled by their agenda and true goal of ending all hunting. Please support your fellow hunters who participate in different forms of hunting, and support the Sportsmen’s Alliance in our never- ending defense of all hunting. After all, it’s our heritage, our fight! Evan Heusinkveld | President and CEO