Sportsmen's Monthly Jan | Feb 2018 | Page 16

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No.183 Columbus, Ohio Sportsmen’s Alliance 801 Kingsmill Parkway Columbus, Ohio 43229-1137 Ph. (614) 888-4868 Fax (614) 888-0326 [email protected] January | February 2018 Join the AlliAnce Help protect your Hunting, fisHing and trapping rigHts My check for $ is enclosed for a membership to the Sportsmen’s Alliance. $35 - supporting $50 - protecting $100 - advancing $250 - sponsor Name Address City Ph. ( ) Email (Please make checks payable to the Sportsmen’s Alliance. Mail to Sportsmen’s Alliance, 801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, Ohio 43229 or call us at (614) 888-4868.) Please charge my $ State Zip Visa Card No. CVC Signature membership to my credit card. Mastercard Am. Ex. Exp. Discover