Policians in New Mexico had no interest in hearing sportsmen or anyone opposed to SB 32 , which banned recreational trapping on public lands
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New Mexico Gov . Michelle Lujan Grisham quietly signed New Mexico Senate Bill 32 into law after a political process that lacked transparency and basic democratic principles . The bill deals a major blow to the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation .
Senate Bill 32 prohibits trapping on all public land with few exceptions . Government agents working on public safety issues , scientists conducting research and Native Americans can all still trap on public land .
The Sportsmen ’ s Alliance opposed Senate Bill 32 at every step of the process and worked with more than 20 organizations . Unfortunately , New Mexico ’ s legislature did not allow opportunities for equitable input from opponents of SB 32 . Effectively , the bill was passed without any input from trappers , conservation officers or the New Mexico Fish and Game Department .
The legislation was touted as a public safety bill to protect domestic dogs and , as a result , the bill passed at the expense of wildlife , the sportsmen ’ s community and the livelihoods of New Mexico ’ s ranching community . Even as concerns were repeatedly raised by our coalition , not a single amendment we offered to limit the impacts on the above-mentioned groups were considered or voted on . The process was stacked against us from the start as activist legislators protected animal-rights groups over the interests of the thousands of sportsmen and farmers , as well as the safety of citizens .
“ This process , conducted behind closed doors and in concert with animal-rights organizations , made a mockery of the democratic process and raises grave concerns about the future of good-faith lawmaking efforts in New Mexico ,” said Jacob Hupp , associate director of state services at the Sportsmen ’ s Alliance . “ The future of science-based wildlife conservation in New Mexico is all but over if this has become their new legislative standard .”