Sportsmen's Alliance Annual Report 2020 | Page 2


The Sportsmen ’ s Alliance has fought tirelessly for hunters , anglers and trappers for more than 40 years . We started 2020 the same as every year – with our government affairs team fighting tooth and nail nationwide against legislation detrimental to the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation .

And then came March .
COVID-19 ground the world to a halt like never before in history , and everybody ’ s routines were thrown into chaos . While we navigated the operational hurdles like everyone else , our government affairs team shifted focus from legislation introduced by animal-rights activists that ended hunting to educating and working with state legislatures and governors to reopen suspended or cancelled spring hunting seasons . Our mission to protect hunting , fishing and trapping never wavered .
The most dangerous COVID-related pitfall wasn ’ t maintaining an intense focus on our mission , but also taking the necessary steps to ensure future viability . With 15 of our 16 in-person fundraising events cancelled and the uncertainty of maintaining membership and charitable giving during a pandemic , keeping our dedicated team entrenched in our mission while ensuring fiscal stability were the immediate threats and paramount to our survival . It was a year of struggle to say the least for nonprofits in general , and for conservation and advocacy nonprofits in particular , but our streamlined structure and dedicated staff allowed the Sportsmen ’ s Alliance to not just survive the pandemic , but thrive . Organizationally , 2020 was actually a year of growth for the Sportsmen ’ s Alliance . We added staff , expanded programming and came out stronger financially by getting creative and turning a year of hardships into a year of resourcefulness and opportunity .
And , we did all this while still protecting the passions of sportsmen . As soon as the initial fog of COVID-19 lifted , the onslaught of animal-rights ’ legislation ensued . Using the same tactics as years past , the anti-hunters doubled down and threw everything they could think of at state legislatures , as you will see in the following pages . They even attempted to leverage the fear of the pandemic to justify everything from import bans to ending the fur trade and trapping .
All of this was accomplished because of YOUR support and dedication to the Sportsmen ’ s Alliance , and we ’ re stronger today because of YOU . For that , we humbly thank you , and look forward to resuming normal activities afield while protecting your outdoor heritage for future generations .
Sincerely ,
Evan Heusinkveld Sportsmen ’ s Alliance Sportsmen ’ s Alliance Foundation President & CEO