26 SportsUnion | NOVEMBER 2, 2018
Boost your
Kaitlyn Summers
Between hitting the
snooze button and rush-
ing out the door, morn-
ings can be hectic. Most
of us, adults and youth,
don’t make the time for
breakfast. After sleeping
for 6-8 hours, our bodies
are thriving for energy
to start the day. This is
where the importance of
breakfast comes in. Eat-
ing breakfast 30 minutes
upon waking helps you
maintain your nutrition
goals. Breakfast, com-
bined with consistently
eating throughout the
day, helps curb cravings
and prevents over in-
dulging later on.
Healthy breakfasts can
be made ahead of time
or consist of grab and go
foods to make life easier.
Incorporating carbohy-
drates, proteins, and fruit
during breakfast make
for a healthy, satisfying
meal. With the energy
provided from carbohy-
drates, muscle building
ability from the protein,
and essential vitamins
* Whole Wheat Toast
* Tortilla
* Yogurt
* Granola
* Low sugar, high fiber Cereal
* Rice Cakes
* Oatmeal
* Whole wheat bagel
* English Muffin
* Eggs
* Beans
* Greek Yogurt
* Turkey Bacon
* Cheese
* Peanut Butter
* Almonds, Pistachios
and minerals from fruit,
this makes the perfect
‘recipe’ for a healthy
breakfast. Including car-
bohydrates and protein
provides energy for the
school or work day and
any extra activities in the
evening such as practice
or games.
Follow this chart below
to make your own break-
fast! Start with a carbo-
hydrate, choose a pro-
tein, pick a fruit and put
it together!
* Apple
* Banana
* Orange
* Canned peaches
* Frozen Berries
* Fruit cups
* 100% Juice
* Fruit, Granola, Yogurt Parfait
* Breakfast Burritos, Apple slices
* Cereal and Milk, strawberries
* Peanut butter, banana & Jelly sandwich
* Whole Wheat Toast, avocado, sliced hard
boiled eggs, clementine
* Oatmeal with frozen berries and nut
* Rice Cake with Banana and Peanut Butter
* Fig Bar and String Cheese and grapefruit
* Egg, Cheese, turkey bacon sandwich,
canned peaches
Interested in individual or team nutrition seminars?
Kaitlyn Summers, MS, RDN provides nutrition education opportunities for teams,
parents, or coaches. Learn more at www.WNYPerformanceNutrition.com
Kaitlyn Summers, MS, RDN is a private practice dietitian and sports nutritionist
behind WNY Performance Nutrition. Kaitlyn has a passion for educating youth
athletes and parents about proper sports nutrition. She provides individual
counseling and group seminars in WNY