“It is really weird, I feel like
Former Canisius College
women’s soccer player Savan- I actually want to work out
nah Jonathan is getting used more now knowing that I
to not having to lace up her don’t have to. We always had
cleats for the upcoming sea- our workout packets emailed
son. Jonathan recently grad- to us for summer workouts
uated from Canisius College and our coaches checking in
in the spring, and for the first making sure we were stay-
time in more than 15 years ing on top of them, its like
has a summer off.
you know when someone
For her, getting used to the tells you to do something
quiet that comes with not you want to do that opposite,
having to play is still an ad- right,” stated Jonathan. “I
used to be so scared of presea-
“I do not know if I have fig- son in August that working
ured that out yet, but my plan out almost stressed me out
right now is to try and find an- because I always felt like I did
other passion I can pour my- not run enough during my
self into. I feel like teaching is workouts or lifted enough,
definitely that passion and I and the thought of the fitness
am excited to start pursuing tests terrified me. So now
that career path the next two that I do not have that fear of
years,” stated Jonathan. “Soc- fitness testing in the back of
cer has been my whole life my head, I can actually enjoy
since I was 3 years old, so it is my workouts more. So now,
definitely an adjustment and if I want to only run one mile
at a 20 min-
something I
am going to
“In the moment I re- pace (I am
have to take
time ge