12 SportsUnion | AUGUST 5, 2018
High school
As athletes know inju-
ries are part of the game.
They deal with the nicks and
bruises a lot during a sea-
son. What athletes are not
ready for is the major inju-
ry. The injury that will knock
them out of commission for
a while.
By Matt Ondesko
Managing Editor
The biggest thing an
athlete doesn’t like to do
is miss time with their
team. They never want to
have that helpless feeling
of letting their team down
because they weren’t on
the fields. But, when a
major injury occurs that’s
exactly what happens.
Sure, they may be there
cheering their team on
from the sidelines, but
it’s not the same. When a
game is lost, the feeling
is that they could have
been the difference mak-
er. They could have been
the one that turned the
game around - at least in
their mind.
For those athletes that
have suffered a major in-
jury for the first time, a
lot of self doubt creeps
in. They wonder if they
will be the same player
they were before the in-
jury. They are wondering
if they will return to the
form that saw them dom-
inate the game.
High School’s Alexis Lin-
damer she had to deal
with the devastating inju-
ry that would see her miss
her high school season
and more. A rising junior,
Lindamer was coming off
a tremendous sophomore
campaign that saw the
Lancers make a run in the
Section VI playoffs before
losing to Starpoint.
As her junior season was
about to begin, expecta-
Her old self